Used Books

This list of used books for sale was produced on November 4, 2024. Please contact Carina Gallardo at CMBS [] if you would like to purchase a used book and/or to check on its availability, as some books may have already been sold.

Note: If you plan to browse the used book collection or pick up an order, the archives is usually open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Please call ahead to make arrangements.

Adrian, Victor, and Donald Loewen, eds., Committed to World Mission, 1990, 129pp, $2.

Altona EMMC, Celbrating God’s Faithfulness, 2001, 136pp, $10.

Augsburger, David W., The Love Fight: How to care and confront in resolving conflict, 1973, 172pp, $2.

Augsburger, Myron S., The Robe of God: Reconciliation, the Believers Church Essential, 2000, 259pp, $10.

Augsburger, Myron S., The Broken Chalice, 1971, 136pp, $3.

Baerg, Anna, Diary of Anna Baerg 1916-1924, 1985, 158pp, $8.

Baker, Mark D., Religious No More, 1999, 187pp, $2.

Barkman, Betty, Four Buds in His Bouquet, 1980, 135pp, $3.

Barrows, Cliff, The Chancel Choir, 1957, 60pp, $1.

Bartsch, Anna, Die Verborgene Hand in Meiner Lebensgeschichte, 1982, 220pp, $3.

Bartsch, Franz, Unser Auszug nach Mittelasien, 1948, 91pp, $6.

Bassett, David R., Steve Ratzlaff, Tim Geddert, A Persistent Voice, 2009, 211pp, $5.

Becker, Dennis, Teaching Adults, 1982, 40pp, $1.

Becker, Dennis and Nancy, Family Night at Home: Leader’s Guide, 1982, 33pp, $1.

Becker, Nancy, Teaching Youth-Ages 12-18: What are they like? How do they learn?, nd, 47pp, $1.

Bender, Ross Thomas, The People of God, 1971, 208pp, $2.

Bender, Urie A., The Witness: Message, Method, Motivation, 1965, 159pp, $2.

Bender, Urie A., Stumbling Heavenward: Peter Rempel, 1984, 304pp, $5.

Berg, Abram, Dietrich Heinrich Epp: Aus seinem Leben, Wirken und selbstaufgezeichneten Erinnerungen, 1973, 87pp, $3.

Bergen, John J., ed., A Celebration of Service, 1991, 282pp, $3.

Bestvater, Wm. I., Betrachtungen über das letzte Buch der  Bibel, 1919, 117pp, $1.

Bethany Bible Institute, The Ray (Yearbook); [various years, contact CMBS], , 75pp, $3.

Bethany Bible Institute, Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: 75 Years, 2002, 47pp, $3.

Bethel Mennonite Church, Bethel Mennonite Church 1936-1980 (Aldergrove BC), 1980, 107pp, $8.

Bickel, Philipp, Das Neue Singvögelein: Eine Sammlung von Liedern für Sonntagsschulen, 1952, 287pp, $2.

Blanke, Fritz, Brothers in Christ, 1961, 78pp, $8.

Block, Isaac I., Assault on God’s Image, 1991, 128pp, $2.

Board of Christian Literature, Becoming Disciples: Membership Manual for Mennonite Brethren Churches, Revised Edition, 1973, 72pp, $1.

Board of Christian Literature (Pub.), Worship Hymnal, 1971, 671pp, $6.

Board of Christian Literature (Pub.), Becoming Disciples: Membership Manual for Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1980, 72pp, $1.

Board of Christian Literature (Pub.), Confession of Faith of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1976, 22pp, $1.

Board of Christian Press, Becoming Disciples: A manual for church Membership Classes (revised edition), 1978, 72pp, $1.

Board of Christian Service, Christians Between East and West, 1965, 55pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions, Foreign Missions: Mennonite Brethren Mission to the Paraguay Chaco Indians, 1948, 59pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions, Foreign Missions M.B. Mission in West China, 1949, 30pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions, Foreign Missions, 1946, 46pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions: Africa, 1947, 116pp, $2.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions: Mennonite Brethren Mission Brazil, 1947, 21pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Missionary Album of Missionaries Serving, 1952, 126pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions-India: The American Mennonite Brethren Mission in India, 1898-1948, 1948, 183pp, $2.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Missionary Album of Missionaries Serving, 1954, 149pp, $2.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions: MB Mission Brazil (2 copies), nd, 21pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Missionary Album of Missionaries Serving, 1951, 117pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), August 1996: The Story of Post Oak M.B. Mission to the Comanches, 1946, 46pp, $1.

Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Mennonite Brethern Mission: Columbia, 1952, 29pp, $1.

Board of Life and Faith/Kindred Productions, Confession of Faith; Commentary and Pastoral App., 2000, 238pp, $8.

Board of Missions, Guiding Principles And Policies Of Mennonite Brethren Church Missions, 1960, 42pp, $1.

Board of Spiritual and Social Concerns (Pub.), Leadership Handbook: of the Canadian Conference of M.B. Churches of North America, 1984, 53pp, $1.

Boldt, Cornelius, Das Lebendige Wasser, nd, 67pp, $2.

Boldt, Edward (Ed.), When your Children Shall Ask: A History of the Ontario Conference of MB Churches, 1957-1982, 1982, 84pp, $3.

Bonk, Jon, and Stan Plett, The World at War, the Church at Peace (with study guide), 1988, 129pp, $6.

Bowler, Gerry, Christian Week: The Print Years, 1987-2014, 2021, 186pp, $3.

Braght, Thieleman J. van, Martyrs Mirror, , 1157pp, $25.

Brandt, Gilbert G., ed., Church Leadership Manual, 1985, 99pp, $1.

Braun Reunion committee, Family Reflections: Abram and Anna Falk Braun, 1991, 200pp, $15.

Brown, Frank, A History of Winkler, 1892-1973, 1973, 204pp, $12.

Brucks, J. H., and H. Hooge, Neu-Samara am Tock, Ruszland–U.S.S.R., 1964, 134pp, $6.

Brunk, L.B., ed., Singing Revival, 1953, 109pp, $3.

Burkholder, J.R., and Calvin Redekop, eds., Kingdom, Cross, and Community, 1976, 323pp, $7.

Can. Conf. MB Chuches, The Hymn Book: English edition of the Gesangbuch, 1960, 555pp, $3.

Canadian Conference of MB Churches, Leadership Handbook: Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1984, 53pp, $1.

Central Mennonite Brethern Church, Winnipeg Zentral Mennoniten Brüder-Gemeinde 1981-1982, nd, 38pp, $1.

Central Mennonite Brethren Church, Winnipeg Zentral Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde, 1973, 26pp, $1.

Coaldale M.B. Church, Gedenk Und Dankfeier Des 25 Jährigen Bestehens Der Coaldale Mennoniten Brueder Gemeinde Am 27 M, 1951, 80pp, $4.

Coggins, James R and Paul Hiebert (Ed.), Wonders and the Word, 1989, 162pp, $4.

Conference of the M.B. Church of North America, Confession of faith of the U.S. and Canadian Conferences of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1999, 26pp, $1.

Conferencia general de las Iglesias Hermanos Menon, Profesion de fe, 1981, 23pp, $1.

Dahl, Wesley John, Faith Walk, 1998, 63pp, $1.

De Fehr, William (Ed.), Harvest: Anthology of Mennonite Writing in Canada 1874-1974, 1974, 182pp, $4.

DeFehr, A. A., et al., 25 Jahre Mennonitische Ansiedlung Nord Kildonan 1928-1953, 1953, 72pp, $3.

DeHaan, Richard, The World on Trial: Studies in Romans, 1970, 192pp, $2.

Derksen, George (Pub.), Why am I on This Earth?: Opportunity Series, 1987, 150pp, $1.

Derksen, Mary Klassen, Rise and Shine: 45 Years in the Land of the Rising Sun, 2018, 338pp, $6.

Derksen, Peter (Isaak), Es Wurde Wieder Ruhig, 1989, 183pp, $10.

Derksen, Wilma L., Unsettled Weather: How Do I Forgive?, 2005, 80pp, $2.

Detweiler, Lowell, The Hammer Rings Hope, 2000, 184pp, $5.

Dick, J.J., From Exile in Russia into Mision Work in India, 1940, 20pp, $2.

Dirks, Ray, In God’s Image, 2003, 143pp, $5.

Doell, Leonard, The Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Saskatchewan, 1987, 120pp, $8.

Doerksen, Helen, and Helen Penner, South End Mennonite Brethren Church, Forerunner of the Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church 1936-1986, 1986, 35pp, $2.

Doerksen, John, et al., Golden anniversary of the Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church, 1936-1986, 1986, 66pp, $6.

Drescher, John M., Why I am a Conscientious Objector, 1982, 73pp, $3.

Driedger, Leo, Mennonites in Winnipeg, 1990, 95pp, $2.

Driver, John, Images of the Church in Mission, 1997, 238pp, $8.

Driver, John, Community and Commitment, 1976, 92pp, $2.

Driver, John, Becoming God’s Community, 1981, 159pp, $2.

Dueck, Abe J., Moving beyond secession, 1997, 179pp, $5.

Dueck, Abe J., Krankenhaus Concordia 1928-1978, trans. Erich Ratzlaff, English and German edition, 1978, 84pp, $3.

Dueck, Abe J., Concordia Hospital: Faith, Health and Community, 1928-2003, 2003, 107pp, $8.

Dueck, Abe J., ed., The Bible and the Church, 1988, 277pp, $5.

Dueck, Dora, A Time to Remember: The Story of Reverend B.B. and Lena Fast, 2009, 242pp, $5.

Dueck, H. H., ed., He Leadeth…:History of the MB Churches of Ontario, 1924-1957, 1957, 107pp, $5.

Dueck, H.H., ed., Er führet: Geschichte der Ontario MB Gemeinden, 1924-1957, 1957, 107pp, $3.

Dueck, Helene, Durch Trübsal und Not, 1993, 241pp, $4.

Duerksen, David D., A Passion of Gratitude, 2003, 241pp, $10.

Duerksen, Heinrich, Daβ du nicht vergessest der Geschichten, 1990, 235pp, $5.

Durksen, Hedy, Along Highways and Hedges: The Story of Joe and Marie Wiebe, 1977, 183pp, $4.

Durksen, Martin, Die Krim war unsere Heimat, 1980, 324pp, $15.

DVD, Through the Red Gate, 2008, 0pp, $5.

DVD, Being in the Way the Lod Led Me: A Documentary of Frank Dyck’s Life, 2012, 0pp, $5.

Dyck, Abe Jr., He Leadeth Me – A Tribute to Abram & Johanna Dyck, nd, 103pp, $2.

Dyck, Anni (Ed.), Jesus Christus der Herr: Eindrücke und Ausdrücke der siebenten Mennonitischen Weltkonferenz, 1963, 44pp, $2.

Dyck, Arnold, De Opnaom: Akt 2 von Wellkaom op’e forestei, 1951, 60pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua en Dietschlaund, Zweiter Teil, 1961, 116pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe; Zweiter Teil, 1945, 122pp, $4.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe: Funfter teil, 1948, 103pp, $4.

Dyck, Arnold, Wellkaom op’e Forstei! : Szenen aus dem mennonitischen Forsteileben in Rußland, 1950, 66pp, $2.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua op Reise teil 2, 1954, 104pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Dee Millionäa von Kosefeld, nd, 94pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe; Dritter Teil, 1946, 119pp, $2.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua op Reise, 1942, 94pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua en Dietschlaund, Erster Teil, 1960, 86pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua op Reise, 2. Teil, 1954, 104pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe, Vierter Teil, 1947, 99pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Collected works vol. 4, 1985, 0pp, $35.

Dyck, Arnold, Onse Lied en ola Tiet, 1950, 66pp, $5.

Dyck, Arnold, Collected works vol. 3, 1985, 0pp, $35.

Dyck, Arnold, Collected works vol. 1, 1985, 515pp, $35.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua faore nao Toronto: Zweiter Teil, 1949, 102pp, $3.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe, Erster Teil, 1944, 127pp, $4.

Dyck, Arnold (Pub.), Warte-Jahrbuch fuer die Mennonitische Gemeinschaft in Canada: 1944, 1944, 122pp, $1.

Dyck, Arnold, trans by E. Peters, Two Letters; The Millionaire of Goatfield; Runde Koake, 1980, 70pp, $4.

Dyck, Cornelius J., An Introduction to Mennonite History, 1st ed., 1967, 452pp, $5.

Dyck, Cornelius J., The Witness of the Holy Spirit, 1967, 423pp, $1.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., Something Meaningful for God, 1981, 397pp, $3.

Dyck, Harvey L., ed., A Mennonite in Russia- The Diaries of Jacob D. Epp, 1991, 456pp, $60.

Dyck, John, History of Crosstown Credit Union, 1993, 174pp, $3.

Dyck, John, Oberschulze Jakob Peters 1813-1884, 1990, 138pp, $3.

Dyck, John, ed., Bergthal Gemeinde Buch, 1993, 439pp, $35.

Dyck, John, ed., Historical Sketches of the East Reserve, 1994, 722pp, $5.

Dyck, Peter J., A Leap of Faith: Stories for Young and Old, 1990, 111pp, $3.

Dyck, Peter P., Orenburg am Ural, 1951, 160pp, $5.

Ediger, Gerald, Crossing the Divide: Language Transition Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren, 1940-1970, 2001, 236pp, $4.

Ediger, Gerry, Teaching Primaries … The Fun Years, nd, 22pp, $1.

Ehrt, Adolf, Das Mennonitentum in Russland, 2003, 162pp, $4.

Elim Gemeinde, Elim Gemeinde, Grunthal, Manitoba 1927-1972, 1972, 140pp, $4.

Elmwood MB Church, Elmwood MB Church Directory, 1998, 32pp, $1.

Enns, Aelt J., Dem Herrn Die Ehre, 1969, 150pp, $3.

Enns, Anna, In Search of Unity: Story of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 1996, 290pp, $8.

Enns, F. F., Ohm Franz: Ältester Franz F. Enns, 1977, 107pp, $3.

Enns, F. G., Gretna: Window on the Northwest, 1987, 343pp, $20.

Enns, F.F., Elder Enns, “Ohm Franz”, 1979, 106pp, $3.

Enns, Herman, Behold your God!: Selected Sermons, 1986, 152pp, $5.

Enns, J. H., Zum Geleit, nd, 22pp, $1.

Enns, Mary M., Mia: The Story of a Remarkable Woman, 1981, 175pp, $5.

Enns, William, Schwers Schicksal: Aus dem leben des kranken Peter Dyck, 1948, 67pp, $4.

Ens, Gustav, Der Mensch und die Menschwerdung Jesu Christi, 1919, 46pp, $1.

Ens, Sarah, Flyway, 2022, 110pp, $4.

Epp, David H., Heinrich Heese Johann Philipp Wiebe, 1952, 50pp, $4.

Epp, David H., Johann Cornies: Züge aus seinem Leben und Wirken, 1946, 147pp, $5.

Epp, Frank H., The Palestinians, 1976, 240pp, $12.

Epp, Frank H., Mennonites in Canada 1920-1940: A People’s Struggle for Survival, 1982, 640pp, $7.

Epp, Frank H., The Glory and the Shame: Editorials on the past, present and future of the Mennonite Church, 1968, 79pp, $3.

Epp, Frank H., Your Neighbour as Yourself, 1968, 144pp, $3.

Epp, Frank H., Mennonites in Canada 1786-1920: The History of a Separate People, 1974, 480pp, $7.

Epp, Frank H., Mennonite Peoplehood: A Plea for New Initiatives, 1977, 120pp, $3.

Epp, Frank H., Stories with Meaning: A Guide for the Writing of Congregational Histories, 1978, 32pp, $3.

Epp, Frank H., Mennonite Exodus: The Rescue and Resettlement of the Russian Mennonites Since the Communist Revolution, 1962, 571pp, $20.

Epp, Frank H., ed., Partners in Service, 1982, 73pp, $2.

Epp, Frank, ed., I would like to dodge the draft-dodgers but…, 1970, 95pp, $5.

Epp, George K., Geschichte der Mennoniten in Russland, Band III, 1997, 304pp, $30.

Epp, George K., Geschichte Der Mennoniten in Russland, Band II, 1998, 271pp, $30.

Epp, George K., Geschichte der Mennoniten in Russland, Band I, 1997, 247pp, $30.

Epp, George K., Unter dem Nordlicht:  Anthology of German-Mennonite Writing in Canada, 1977, 292pp, $3.

Epp, Henry H., ed., Hymn Sing Celebration: Mennonite Centennial, 1874-1974, 1974, 0pp, $4.

Epp, Johann, Erwecket Euren Lauteren Sinn, 2003, 221pp, $5.

Epp, John Mark, John H. Epp: A Biography, 1993, 104pp, $6.

Epp, Margaret, But God Hath Chosen: The story of John and Mary Dyck, 1963, 176pp, $3.

Epp, Margaret, 8., Tulpengasse; A Church Blossoms in Vienna, 1978, 276pp, $2.

Epp, Margaret, Proclaim Jubilee: A History of Bethany Bible Institute, 1976, 136pp, $2.

Epp, Margaret, A Fountain Sealed, 1982, 240pp, $5.

Epp, Peter, Ob tausend fallen …, 1988, 203pp, $10.

Epp-Tiessen, Esther, J. J. Thiessen: A Leader for His Time, 2001, 344pp, $5.

Esau, Anna, What God has Done: The story of the Latin American Mennonite Brethren Conference, 1987, 191pp, $6.

Esau, H.T., The Story of Our Church and The Beginning of Our Missions: Course 1 for Juniors, 1946, 59pp, $1.

Esau, Mrs. H.T., First Sixty Years of M.B. Missions, 1954, 552pp, $7.

Estep, W. R., Religious Liberty: Heritage and Responsibility, 1988, 88pp, $2.

Ewald, Heather, My Dad, Ernie Klassen: Evangelizing the World one person at a time, 1986, 183pp, $2.

Ewert, Benjamin, Woher? Wohin? Mennoniten! 1, 1942, 66pp, $2.

Ewert, David, The Church Under Fire, 1988, 175pp, $3.

Ewert, David, Finding Our Way: Confronting Issues in the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1999, 188pp, $5.

Ewert, David, Proclaim Salvation: preaching the Church Year, 1992, 160pp, $3.

Ewert, David, And Then Comes the End, 1980, 197pp, $3.

Ewert, David, From Ancient Tablets to Modern Translations, 1983, 2840pp, $7.

Ewert, David, When the Church Was Young, 1993, 151pp, $2.

Ewert, David, The Church in a Pagan Society, 1986, 206pp, $5.

Ewert, David, Die Wunderwege Gottes mit der Gemeinde Jesu Christi, 1978, 144pp, $3.

Ewert, David, Searching the Scriptures, 2001, 231pp, $3.

Ewert, David, A Journey of Faith: An autobiography, 1993, 257pp, $3.

Ewert, David, Honour Such People, 1997, 140pp, $5.

Ewert, David, ed., Called to Teach, 1980, 242pp, $3.

Faith and Life Press, The Way of Peace, 1972, 24pp, $3.

Fast, C. E., What I Owe, 1955, 35pp, $2.

Fast, Gerhard, Das Ende von Chortitza, 1973, 151pp, $4.

Fast, Gerhard, Im Schatten des Todes: Erlebnisbericht aus Sowjetrußland, 1956, 160pp, $3.

Fast, Karl, Laß die an meiner Gnade genügen, 1989, 138pp, $10.

Fast, Karl, Gebt der Wahrheit die Ehre – Zweiter Teil, 1951, 140pp, $6.

Fast, Karl, and C.G. Unruh, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mennonite Settlement in North Kildonan, 1978, 128pp, $3.

Fast, Linda Willems, ed., Brotherfield M.B. Church, 1898–1986, 1988, 159pp, $10.

Fast, Margaret, and Dora Dueck, Willie: Forever Young, 1994, 146pp, $1.

Festkomitee der Mennonitischen Ostreserve (Pub.), Gedenkfeier der Mennonitischen Einwanderung in Manitoba, Canada: 1874-1949, 1949, 172pp, $2.

Fetzer, J. G., Pastoral Theologie, 1908, 136pp, $3.

First Mennonite Church, Jubilate: 60 Years First Mennonite Church, 1991, 182pp, $10.

Foote, Paulina, God’s Hand Over My Nineteen Years in China, 1962, 228pp, $5.

Foth, Maria, Beyond the Border, 1981, 140pp, $4.

Foth, Maria, Lieder Aus Der Not, 1950, 109pp, $1.

Franz, J.J., and D.B. Towner, Neue Zions-Lieder, 1919, 143pp, $2.

Franz, J.J., and D.B. Towner, Zions-Klänge, nd, 65pp, $1.

Friesen and Sons Ltd. (Pub), North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, 1969, 59pp, $2.

Friesen Yearbooks (Pub.), North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, 1979, 0pp, $2.

Friesen, Abraham, P.M. Friesen & his History: Understanding Mennonite Brethren Beginnings, 1979, 176pp, $4.

Friesen, Abram J., God’s Hand Upon My Life, 1986, 328pp, $4.

Friesen, C. Alfred, Memoirs of the Virgil-Niagara Mennonites, 1984, 192pp, $8.

Friesen, D.W. & Sons (Pub.), Der kleine Sänger, 1973, 93pp, $1.

Friesen, D.W. & Sons (Pub.), Der kleine Sänger, 1950, 93pp, $1.

Friesen, Daniel Erstis, End of the Struggle, 1966, 47pp, $1.

Friesen, Duane K., Artists, Citizens, Philosophers: Seeking the Peace of the City, 2000, 349pp, $10.

Friesen, Evelyn, Freedom isn’t Free: A Boat People Story, 1985, 185pp, $3.

Friesen, Frank, Among the Cloud of Witnesses: The Story of Hans Sedlmair, 1981, 35pp, $1.

Friesen, Frank, Among the Cloud of Witnesses:  The Story of Hans Sedlmair, 1985, 36pp, $1.

Friesen, Frank, Among the Cloud of Witnesses: The Interrogation of Paul Glock, 1982, 43pp, $1.

Friesen, Frank (au. and trans.), Among the Cloud of Witnesses:  Papers Concerning Augustin Wuerzlburger, 1984, 60pp, $2.

Friesen, I.P., Im Dienste des Meisters, nd, 144pp, $2.

Friesen, I.P., Meine Reise nach Palästina, nd, 96pp, $2.

Friesen, Jacob, The Road Unknown, 1993, 248pp, $5.

Friesen, John D., Holding Forth the Word of Life, 1989, 347pp, $2.

Friesen, John J., Building Communities: The Changing Face of Manitoba Mennonites, 2007, 230pp, $20.

Friesen, Martin W., Neue Heimat in der Chaco Wildnis, 1997, 617pp, $4.

Friesen, Martin W., Kanadische Mennoniten Bezwingen Eine Wildnis:  50 Jahre Kolonie Menno (Suedamerika), 1977, 173pp, $5.

Friesen, Mary Giesbrecht, A Time to Say, “I Three”, 1990, 91pp, $7.

Friesen, P.M., The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia (1789-1910), 1978, 1065pp, $45.

Friesen, Patrick, The Shunning, 1980, 103pp, $10.

Friesen, Ted, Altona Mennonite Church 25th anniversary, 1987, 171pp, $10.

Friesen, Ted, and Elisabeth Peters, Memories of Grigorievka, 1998, 295pp, $15.

Froese, Edna Alison, Inside I’m Dancing” Personal Stories of God’s healing and Design, nd, 210pp, $10.

Froese, J.A., Witness Extraordinary: A Biography of Elder Heinrich Voth, 1851-1918, 1975, 60pp, $1.

Froese, J.A., and Phil Hofer, The Church as Peace Witness: A Resource Manual, 1975, 60pp, $1.

Gade, Harold E., Mennonite Brethren Missions in Japan, 1955, 35pp, $1.

Geddert, George,  and Rod Willems, 40 Years of God’s Blessing: Redberry Bible Camp, 1992, 42pp, $3.

Geddert, Tim, Gott hat ein Zuhause, 1994, 220pp, $3.

Gem Mennonite Brethren Church, Gem Mennonite Brethren Church, 1929-1979, 1979, 110pp, $8.

General Conference Mennonite, Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, 1995, 112pp, $3.

General Conference of MB Churches, Sing Alleluia, 1985, 160pp, $3.

George, Carl F., The Coming Church Revolution, 1994, 349pp, $2.

Gerbrandt, H.J., Postscript to Adventure in Faith, 1986, 30pp, $2.

Gerbrandt, H.J., Adventure in Faith: The Background in Europe and the Development in Canada of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba, 1970, 379pp, $5.

Gerlach, Horst, Die Russlandmennoniten: Ein Volk Unterwegs, 1992, 184pp, $45.

Giesbrecht, Herb, The MB Church: A Bibliographic Guide, 1983, 99pp, $1.

Giesbrecht, Herbert, Moved and Seconded: Resolutions of the CCMBC, 1960-1990, 1991, 209pp, $2.

Giesbrecht, Herbert, Sach- und Namen Register zu Abraham H. Unruh’s “Die Geschichte der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde: 1860-1954”, 1975, 34pp, $2.

Gingerich, Melvin, The Christian and Revolution, 1968, 227pp, $5.

Gingerich, Melvin, Service for Peace, 1949, 508pp, $6.

Goerz, H, Die Molotschnaer Ansiedlung, 1950, 211pp, $10.

Goerz, H., Die Mennonitischen Siedlungen der Krim, 1957, 71pp, $10.

Goerz, H., Memrik, 1954, 83pp, $7.

Good, Merle, These People Mine – Based on the much-acclaimed musical drama, 1973, 128pp, $3.

Good, Merle and Phyllis, 20 Most Asked Questions about the Amish and Mennonites, 1979, 96pp, $2.

Good, Merle, and Phyllis Pellman Good, eds., What Mennonites are Thinking ,2000, 2000, 338pp, $8.

Goosen, H.H., Adolf Reimer, ein treuer Bote Jesu Christi unter Deutschen und Russen, 1960, 40pp, $3.

Grady, John L., Abortion: Yes or No?, nd, 23pp, $1.

Grimsrud, Ted, Triumph of the Lamb: A Self-Study Guide, Revelation, 1987, 189pp, $4.

Grounds, Vernon C., Evangelicalism and Social Responsibility, 1969, 38pp, $3.

Guenther, Waldemar, et al., Onsi Tjedils: Ersaßdienst der Mennoniten in Rußland unter den Romanows, 1966, 312pp, $5.

Haas, Craig, and Steve Nolt, The Mennonite Starter Kit, 1993, 87pp, $2.

Hamm, Martin, Aus der alten in die neue Heimat: Lebensgeschichte eines schlichten Mennoniten, 1971, 175pp, $3.

Hamm, Peter M., Continuity and Change Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren, 1978, 609pp, $10.

Handy, Robert T., A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada, 1977, 471pp, $8.

Harder, Bernhard J., Alexandertal: Die Geschichte der letzten deutschen Stammsiedlung in Russland, 1959, 110pp, $10.

Harder, Helmut, David Toews Was Here 1870-1947, 2002, 347pp, $8.

Harder, Helmut, Witnessing to Christ in Today’s World: A Faith & Life Study Book, Mennonite World Conference, 1989, 90pp, $2.

Harder, Helmut, Anleitung zum Glauben, 1981, 168pp, $2.

Harder, Leland, Steinbach and its churches, 1970, 109pp, $10.

Harder, Leland, The Pastor-people partnership: The call and recall of pastors from a Believers’ Church perspective, 1983, 180pp, $2.

Harder, Leland, Perspectives on the Nurturing of Faith, 1983, 189pp, $1.

Harder, Peter R., ed., Arnaud Through the Years, 1974, 393pp, $3.

Harms, Orlando, Pioneer Publisher: The Life and Times of J. F. Harms, 1984, 116pp, $6.

Harms, Orlando, et al., A Century of Grace and Witness: The Mennonite Brethren Church, 1860-1960, 1960, 80pp, $4.

Harms, W.W., ed., Konferenzbeschlüsse der Krimmer Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde von Nord Amerika: 1882-1940, 1940, 78pp, $3.

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Heidebrecht, D.B., Deutsches Sprachbuch mit besonderer Beruechsichtigung der Rechtschreibung, 1945, 28pp, $1.

Heidebrecht, Doug, Interpreting the Bible Together: An Interactive Video Curriculum, 2006, pp, $5.

Hein, Gerhard, Ufa : die Mennonitische Ansiedlung bei Ufa am Uralgebirge, 1894-1938, 1975, 158pp, $3.

Heinrichs, Daniel, Adventures of a Mennonite: From the Dry Thirties Out Into the World, 1996, 269pp, $5.

Hershberger, Guy F., Mennonites and Their Heritage, No. V: Christian Relationships to State and Community, 1942, 108pp, $3.

Hershberger, Guy F., War, Peace, and Nonresistance, 1946, 415pp, $6.

Hershberger, Guy F., The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, 1957, 360pp, $5.

Hertzler, Daniel, Mennonite Education: Why and How? A Philosophy of Education for the Mennonite Church, 1971, 71pp, $2.

Hiebert, Carl, Us Little People: Mennonite Children, 1998, 120pp, $15.

Hiebert, D. Edmond, First Timothy, 1957, 127pp, $3.

Hiebert, P.C., Mennonites and Their Heritage, No. 6: Life and Service in the Kingdom of God, 1942, 64pp, $2.

Hiebert, Waldo, and Herb Kopp, Deacons and their Ministry, 1985, 44pp, $2.

Hiele, Gerke van, Encountering the eternal one : a guide for Mennonite churches, 2006, 119pp, $1.

Hildebrand, Elmer, CFAM Radio 950; 50 years, 2007, 45pp, $6.

Hildebrand, Isbrandt, Swath and Sheaf, 1970, 64pp, $2.

Hildebrand, J.J., Hildebrand’s Zeittafel, 1945, 416pp, $5.

Hildebrand, J.J., Aus der Vorgeschichte der Einwanderung der Mennoniten aus Rußland nach Manitoba, 1949, 136pp, $3.

Hildebrand, Jacob, A Backward Glance, 1982, 136pp, $3.

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Hohmann, W & L. Hostetler, The Mennonite Hymnary, 1940, 593pp, $4.

Horsch, James, ed., Mennonite Directory, 1999, 1999, 339pp, $5.

Hostetler, John A., Mennonite Life, 1961, 39pp, $2.

Hostetter, B. Charles, How God Leads Us, 1962, 45pp, $3.

Huebert, Gerhard D., Brot des Lebens, 1975, 242pp, $1.

Huebert, Gerhard David, Botschafter an Christi Statt; Eine Sammlung von Predigtentwerfen über freie Texte., nd, 244pp, $3.

Huebert, Helmut T., Events and People, 1999, 258pp, $8.

Huebert, Helmut T., Kornelius Martens: Our Skilful Advocate, 1986, 56pp, $2.

Huebert, Helmut, ed., Looking Back in Faith: Commemorating the Centennial of Manitoba Mennonite Brethren in Photos and Writing, 1988, 83pp, $4.

Hull, C.M. Kathleen, and Wendy Kroeker (Eds.), Braiding Hearts and Hands, 1994, 113pp, $4.

Hunsberger, Gordon, The Way I See It …, 1989, 160pp, $5.

Isaac, Frank K., Elim 50th Anniversary: 1929-1979, 1979, 60pp, $2.

Isaak, Sally Schroeder, Some seed fell on good ground, 1994, 120pp, $2.

Jantz, Harold, Leaders Who Shaped Us, 2010, 323pp, $8.

Jantzen, Mark, The Wrong Side of the Wall: An American in East Berlin During the Peaceful Revolution, 1993, 213pp, $3.

Janz, Willy, Ich Sende Euch: Ein Szenenspiel: Als Beitrag zur 50 jaehrigen Jubilaeumsfeier der russland-deutschen Mennoniten in Suedamerika, 1981, 64pp, $3.

Janz, Willy, and Gerhard Ratzlaff, Gemeinde Unter Dem Kreuz Des Südens, 1980, 225pp, $7.

Janzen, A.E., The Moro’s Spear, 1962, 51pp, $2.

Janzen, A.E., Survey: Mission Fields in India, Africa, Brazil, Paraguay, Columbia, 1950, 157pp, $10.

Janzen, A.E., and Herbert Giesbrecht, We Recommend…: Recommendations and Resolutions of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978, 348pp, $3.

Janzen, H.H., Von der Herrschaft des Geistes : der Heilige Geist und sein Wirken, 1968, 93pp, $2.

Janzen, H.H., Und ich sah… : Eine Auslegung der Offenbarung, 1963, 252pp, $3.

Janzen, H.H., Jesu Rede über die Letzte Zeit: Ein Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der Prophetie der Heiligen Schrift, 1958, 79pp, $2.

Janzen, H.H., Der Römerbrief, 1975, 260pp, $2.

Janzen, Helen, Memories, 1985, 122pp, $5.

Janzen, Henry H., A Brief Outline Study of the Seven Churches: Revelation Chapters Two and Three, 1949, 32pp, $1.

Janzen, Jacob H., De Bildung:  Lustiger Einakter, 1945, 20pp, $2.

Janzen, Jakob H., Durch Wind und Wellen:  Gedichte von Jakob H. Janzen, 1928, 91pp, $1.

Janzen, Jean, Words for the Silence, 1984, 39pp, $2.

Janzen, William, Walk Humbly with your God, 1979, 111pp, $2.

Janzen, William, and Frances Greaser, Sam Martin Went to Prison, 1990, 59pp, $6.

Jeschke, Marlin, Believers Baptism for Children of the Church, 1983, 157pp, $3.

John, M.B., A Brief Sketch of the Lives of the Late Rev. & Mrs. John H. Voth, 1973, 24pp, $1.

Johns, Helen, Life with God : love in action, 1989, 64pp, $1.

Johnson, Helen, Tapestry of Ancestral Footprints (Enns, Dueck families), nd, 282pp, $12.

Johnson, Rose, As Angels of Light, 1980, 141pp, $3.

Jost, Lynn, and Connie Faber, Family Matters: Discovering the Mennonite Brethren, 2002, 131pp, $3.

Juhnke, James C., A People of Mission, 1979, 280pp, $5.

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Kasdorf, Hans, It’s Sunrise in World Mission: A Vision Statement from the MB Biblical Seminary, 1984, 32pp, $1.

Kasdorf, Hans, Christian Conversion in Context, 1980, 217pp, $4.

Kauffman, J. Howard, and Leland Harder, Anabaptists Four Centuries Later, 1975, 399pp, $5.

Kauffman, Jess, A Vision and A Legacy, 1984, 142pp, $5.

Kauffmann, J. Howard, and Leo Driedger, The Mennonite Mosaic : Identity and Modernization, 1991, 308pp, $4.

Kaufman, Ed G., Mennonites and Their Heritage No. 4 our Mission as a Church of Christ, 1944, 59pp, $1.

Kaufmann, Christine, Mennonite Women’s Calendar, 1984-1986, 1983, 26pp, $1.

Kehler, Larry, Capital Punishment Study Guide, 1980, 62pp, $3.

Keidel, Levi O., Footsteps to Freedom, 1969, 253pp, $5.

Keim, Albert N., Harold S. Bender, 1897-1962, 1998, 592pp, $13.

Keith, W. J., ed., A Voice in the Land: Essays by and about Rudy Wiebe, 1981, 254pp, $4.

Kenna, Kathleen, A People Apart, 1995, 64pp, $8.

Kennel, LeRoy E., Ecology of the Airwaves, 1971, 64pp, $1.

Kitchener MB Church, Choir Album: 1931-1956: 25th anniversary of conductor N.J. Fehherau, 1956, 38pp, $6.

Klaassen, Horst, Die Backnanger Mennoniten, 1976, 176pp, $5.

Klaassen, Walter, Anabaptism in Outline, 1981, 356pp, $4.

Klaassen, Walter & Klassen, William, Marpeck: A Life of Dissent and Conformity, 2008, 423pp, $10.

Klassen, A.J., ed., The Church in Mission, 1967, 417pp, $5.

Klassen, A.J., ed., The Seminary Story: Twenty Years of Education in Ministry, 1955-1975, 1975, 140pp, $2.

Klassen, Bertha, Da Capo: A History of the Mennonite Community Orchestra, 1993, 130pp, $5.

Klassen, Bertha E., Trovani, 2010, 223pp, $5.

Klassen, D.D., Frohe Botschaft – Radioansprachen, 1983, 95pp, $1.

Klassen, Doreen Helen, ed., Mennonite World Conference, International Songbook: 1990, 1990, 162pp, $3.

Klassen, Elizabeth Suderman, Trailblazer for the Brethren: The Story of Johann Claassen, 1978, 309pp, $6.

Klassen, Is. P., Licht und Schatten : 1. Teil : Gedichte, 1981, 92pp, $3.

Klassen, Johann J., Klassen: A Family Heritage, 1980, 527pp, $8.

Klassen, Johann J., Ens: A Family Heritage, 1983, 249pp, $7.

Klassen, John N., Jesus Christus leben und verkuendigen, 2010, 238pp, $5.

Klassen, John N., ed., In Gott leben wir, bestehen wir, und sind wir!, 2011, 263pp, $3.

Klassen, Otto, I Remember: The Story of Otto Klassen, 2013, 235pp, $5.

Klassen, Peter J., Verlorene Söhne: Ein Beitrag in der Frage der Wehrlosigkeit, nd, 110pp, $3.

Klassen, Peter J., Heimat Einmal…: Eine Erzählung aus Rußlands jüngster Vergangenheit, 1 Band, 1949, 124pp, $3.

Klassen, Peter P., Kaputi Mennonita: Eine friedliche Begegnung im Chacokrieg, 1975, 166pp, $10.

Klassen, Peter P., Die Mennoniten in Paraguay – Band 2: Begenung mit Indianern und Paraguayern, 1991, 376pp, $5.

Klassen, Peter P., Die deutsch-völkische Zeit : in der Kolonie Fernheim, Chaco, Paraguay, 1933-1945, 1990, 148pp, $2.

Klassen, Peter P., Immer Kreisen Die Geier, 1983, 260pp, $8.

Kliewer, Ken, First Fruit, 1987, 49pp, $3.

Kliewer, Victor D., The Mennonite German Society (Mennonitischer Sprachverein), 2014, 81pp, $2.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, That there be peace, 1979, 104pp, $7.

Kommissions-Verlag der Menno. Flüchtlingsfürsorge, ü-Gemeinden in Rußland während der Kriegs- und Revolutionsjahre: 1914 bis 1920, 1921, 115pp, $4.

Konrad, George, Living as God’s Family, 1981, 160pp, $2.

Koop, A.E. Heidi, Peter, A Man of Stamina and Courage: Based on the writings of Peter H. Koop, 1979, 1993, 181pp, $8.

Kopp, Herb, New Life in Christ, 1995, 84pp, $1.

Kopper, Dorothy Louise, Assignment: Zaire, 1997, 303pp, $3.

Kornelsen, Heinrich H., Der Schatz und die Perle: Eine Betrachtung über die Wege Gottes mit dem Volke Gottes und der Gemeinde Jesu Christi an Hand der Prophetie und (cont.), 1972, 124pp, $2.

Kornelsen, Mary, Getragen auf Adlersflügeln, 1984, 233pp, $3.

Krahn, Cornelius; Schmidt, John F. , eds., A Century of Witness, 1860-1960: The General Conference Mennonite Church, 1959, 93pp, $3.

Kraybill, Donald B., The Upside-Down Kingdom, 1978, 328pp, $6.

Kraybill, Paul N., ed., Mennonite World Conference, XI Assembly, Proceedings: 1984, 1985, 384pp, $4.

Kraybill, Paul N., ed., Mennonite World Conference, X Assembly, Proceedings: 1978, 1979, 236pp, $4.

Kraybill, Ronald S., Repairing the Breach: Ministering in Community Conflict (2 copies), 1981, 95pp, $2.

Kreider, Alan, and Stuart Murray, Coming Home, 2000, 216pp, $2.

Kreider, Robert S. et al, The MCC Experience: Hungry, Thirsty, a Stranger, 1988, 391pp, $3.

Kroeker, A., Heimatklänge: Eine Sammlung meistens älterer, bewährter Kernlieder deutschen und englischen Ursprungs, nd, 173pp, $2.

Kroeker, Al, L. Martin, I. Tiessen, and K.F. Wiebe, Membership Manual, 1968, 58pp, $1.

Kroeker, Frank P., My Dad: Mr. Peter T. Kroeker, 2002, 167pp, $8.

Kroeker, Irvin, The Wiens Family Register, 1963, 119pp, $20.

Kroeker, Jacob, Gottes Segensträger, nd, 202pp, $2.

Kroeker, Jacob, Im Heiligtum des Vaterunsers, 1951, 112pp, $4.

Kroeker, Jak., Die Sehnsucht des Ostens, nd, 79pp, $3.

Kroeker, Jakob, Roemerbrief, 1872, 359pp, $2.

Kroeker, Jakob, Der verborgene Umgang mit Gott, 1922, 173pp, $2.

Kroeker, Jakob, Allein mit dem Meister, 1952, 138pp, $2.

Kroeker, Jakob, Der Geist des Widerspruchs, 192-, 24pp, $1.

Kroeker, Jakob, Gottes Segensträger, 1922, 203pp, $2.

Kroeker, N.J., First Mennonite Villages in Russia, 1981, 279pp, $25.

Kroeker, N.J., Erste Mennoniten Dorfer in Russlands, 1981, 292pp, $12.

Kroeker, Nettie, They Left Their Mark, 1979, 185pp, $4.

Krueger, Jake, Nostalgic Recollections of Jake Krueger, 1994, 218pp, $8.

Landkreis Rastatt, Um Rhein und Murg: Heimatbuch des Landkreises Rastatt, 1967, 175pp, $1.

Lange, Richard, Aufgaben zur Rechtschreibung, Wortkunde, Zeichensetzung, Sprachlehre und Stilbildung, nd, 144pp, $2.

Lapp, John A., Peacemakers in a Broken World, 1969, 159pp, $3.

Latter, Walter, I Do Remember: The Story of Helene Latter, 1988, 128pp, $3.

Ledohowski, Edward M., and David K. Butterfield, Architectural Heritage: Traditional Mennonite Architecture in the Rural Municipality of Stanley, 1990, 89pp, $10.

Lendrum Mennonite Brethren Church, Truth Shall Set You Free, 1962-1987, 1987, 128pp, $5.

Lescheid, Helen Grace, Footprints of Compassion:  The Story of MCC BC, 1964-1989, 1989, 172pp, $2.

Letkemann, Peter, The Ben Horch Story, 2007, 490pp, $10.

Libreria Loma Plata, Atlas der Kolonie Menno, 2. Auflage, 1991, 214pp, $5.

Lichdi, Diether Götz, Mennonite World Handbook – Mennonites in Global Witness, 1990, 440pp, $3.

Licht den Indianern (Pub.), Wer ist mein Nächster? Quien es mi projimo?, 1986, 79pp, $4.

Liebhart, Henry, Die Perle: Sang und Klang für Sonntagschulen und Jugendvereine, 1894, 224pp, $2.

Loewen, Abram J., Immer Weiter nach Osten, 1981, 120pp, $4.

Loewen, Abram J., and Abram Friesen, Die Flucht Über den Amur, 1946, 66pp, $10.

Loewen, Gerhard, Feldblumen : Gedichte, 1946, 133pp, $3.

Loewen, Harry, Between Worlds: Reflections of a Soviet-born Canadian Mennonite, 2006, 358pp, $8.

Loewen, Heinrich, In Vergessenheit geratene Beziehungen, 1989, 94pp, $2.

Loewen, Helen Harder, Charity Paid, 1980, 138pp, $1.

Loewen, Howard, One Lord, One Church, One Hope, and  One God: Mennonite Confessions of Faith, 1985, 369pp, $8.

Loewen, Jacob A., Only the Sword of the Spirit, 1997, 345pp, $10.

Loewen, Julius, Jaskykowo: Mennonite Colony on the Dnieper, 1995, 169pp, $5.

Loewen, Julius, Jasykowo Siedlundsschicksal am Dnjepr, 1967, 122pp, $10.

Loewen, Ken, Meditations on a Place & a Way of Life, 1982, 128pp, $6.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Heritage Remembered: A Pictorial Survey of Mennonites in Prussia and Russia (2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged), 1987, 282pp, $15.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Damit es nicht Vergessen Werde: Ein Bildband zur Geschichte der Mennoniten Preussens und Russlands (1st Edition), 1974, 221pp, $25.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Lose Blätter I, 1974, 160pp, $5.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Lose Blätter III, 1976, 168pp, $5.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Lose Blätter II, 1974, 109pp, $5.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Mia: Oder über den Amur in die Freiheit, 1981, 179pp, $3.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Sagradowka, 1947, 112pp, $10.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, Zagradovka: History of a Mennonite Settlement in Southern Russia, 2000, 112pp, $7.

Lohrenz, J.H., Foreign Missions India:  What Hath God Wrought!, 1948, 30pp, $1.

Lohrenz, J.H., A Life for Christ in India, 1963, 46pp, $1.

Lohrenz, John H., The Mennonite Brethren Church, 1950, 335pp, $4.

Main Centre MB Church, 75th Anniversary Book, 1904-1979, 1979, 40pp, $3.

Martens, C., Unter dem Kreuz: Erinnerungen aus dem alten und neuen Russland, 1959, 190pp, $5.

Martens, Elmer, ed., Knowing & Living Your Faith, 2008, 130pp, $2.

Martens, Jakob, So Wie Es War: Erinnerungen eines Verbannten, 1963, 133pp, $6.

Martens, Katherine, Reimer Legacy: A Compilation of Historical Voices, 2015, 142pp, $4.

Martens, Katherine, All in a Row: The Klassens of Homewood, 1988, 164pp, $4.

Martens, Larry, Life With Promise: Marriage As A Covenant Venture, 1982, 76pp, $2.

Martens, Phyllis, The Mustard Tree: The Story of Mennonite Brethren Missions, 1971, 213pp, $3.

MCC Editor, Crime is a Peace Issue, nd, 0pp, $3.

McKenzie, Barbara Burkett, “Some of the Women Amazed Us”: Discoveries through Dialogue Regarding Women in Christian Leadership, 2002, 269pp, $5.

Mennonite Brethren Bible College, Rainbow (Yearbook),  [various years, contact CMBS], , 75pp, $3.

Mennonite Brethren Church, Constitution of the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1963, 80pp, $1.

Mennonite Brethren Church, Liturgical Readings: Based on the 1999 Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith, 1999, 20pp, $2.

Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, Er Führet …, 1957, 107pp, $1.

Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, Biblische Richtlinien Für den Christlichen Lebenswandel in der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde, 1959, 12pp, $1.

Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute, The Year of Jubilee : Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute 1945-1995, 1995, 192pp, $8.

Mennonite Brethren Missions/Services, Workers Directory 1976, 1976, 83pp, $1.

Mennonite Brethren of NA, Gesangbuch der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde, 1952, 0pp, $3.

Mennonite Brethren of NA, Gesangbuch der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde, 1955, 0pp, $3.

Mennonite Brethren of NA, Church Hymnal, 1953, 556pp, $3.

Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, Sänger Bote: Ein Liederbuch für Kirche und Haus, n.d., 164pp, $3.

Mennonite Brethren Publishing House (Pub.), Konferenzbeschlüsse nebst Konstitution der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde von Nord Amerika: 1883-1919, 1920, 520pp, $3.

Mennonite Invalid Home, Steinbach Invalid Home, yearbook, 1958, 40pp, $2.

Mennonite Mirror, Embracing the World, 1990, 112pp, $1.

Mennonite World Conference, Information Handbook and Tour Guide, Assembly 12, 1990, 35pp, $1.

Mennonite World Conference, The Witness of the Holy Spirit, 1967, 28pp, $1.

Meyers, Robert R., The Spirit of the Post Road, 1955, 151pp, $5.

Mihm, A.P., Herman von Berge, and G.H. Schneck, Ausgewählte Lieder des Evangeliums: Selected Gospel Songs, 1927, 112pp, $3.

Miller, Levi, The Family in Today’s Society, 1972, 110pp, $4.

Miller, Paul M., Pastoral Care of Demonized Persons, 1976, 24pp, $1.

Moore, Don, and Lorna Dueck, In Search of Hidden Heroes : evidence that God is at work, 1995, 210pp, $4.

Nafziger, Elfrieda Toews, “A man of his Word”: A biography of John A. Toews, 1992, 183pp, $4.

Neff, Christian, Mennonitische Welt-Hilfs-Konferenz, 1930, 192pp, $2.

Nelson, Dawn Ruth, A Mennonite Woman: Exploring Spiritual Life and Identity, 2010, 183pp, $5.

Neufeld, Arnie, Praire Roots and Branches, 1995, 160pp, $4.

Neufeld, Dietrich, A Russian Dance of Death: Revolution and Civil War in the Ukraine, 1977, 142pp, $7.

Neufeld, Frank J., Winnipeg Mennonite Children’s choir, 2002, 103pp, $2.

Neufeld, G.G., Die Geschichte der Whitewater Mennoniten Gemeinde in Manitoba, Canada 1925-1965, 1967, 242pp, $5.

Neufeld, J.A., Wir brauchen Menschen… : Ein Vater an seinem grossen Sohn, nd, 35pp, $2.

Neufeld, J.A., Meinem Sohne ein Wegweiser auf seinem Jugendpfade, 1958?, 42pp, $1.

Neufeld, J.J., Efeesa; I Tesaloonicha; II Tesaloonicha, 1984, 16pp, $3.

Neufeld, J.J., I, II, & III Jehaunes, , 12pp, $1.

Neufeld, J.W., Natur und Bibel, 19??, 40pp, $2.

Neufeld, Jacob A., Path of Thorns: Soviet Mennonite Life Under Communist and Natzi Rule, 2014, 444pp, $7.

Neufeld, Peter, Personal Diary of Peter Neufeld, 1917-1918, based almost completely on the Mennonite Settlement at Vanderhoof, BC, 1980, 104pp, $5.

Neufeld, Vernon H., ed., If We Can Love: The Mennonite Mental Health Story, 1983, 340pp, $7.

Neufeld, William, From Faith To Faith, 1989, 243pp, $3.

Neufeldt, Leonard, ed., Before We Were Land’s: Yarrow, British Columbia: Mennonite Promise, 2002, 285pp, $8.

Neufeldt, Leonard, ed., Village of Unsettled Yearnings: Yarrow, British Columbia: Mennonite Promise, 2002, 371pp, $8.

Newbern, Wm. C., ed., Evangel Hymnal, nd, 0pp, $2.

Nikkel, Mary, Conquest for Christ: A study in MB missions, 1961, 239pp, $3.

North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, 1974, 61pp, $2.

Ontario Conference of M. B. Churches, He Leadeth . . .: History of the M. B. Churches of Ontario, 1957, 107pp, $1.

Oyer, John S., They Harry the Good People Out of the Land, 2000, 331pp, $10.

Pannabecker, Samuel Floyd, Open Doors: A History of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1975, 462pp, $10.

Parliament Community Church, 50th Anniversary Book, 1942-1992, 1992, 52pp, $3.

Pätkau, D., Liederalbum für gemischte Chöre 2. Folge, 1946, 92pp, $4.

Pauls, Peter Jr., Mennoniten in Brasilien, 1980, 270pp, $8.

Pederson, Les, Quien es mi Projimo? Wer ist mein Naechster?, 1986, 79pp, $2.

Penner, Erwin, The Power of God in a Broken World, 1990, 196pp, $2.

Penner, Harold, Arnaud Mennonite Church, 1994, 112pp, $8.

Penner, Horst, Weltweite Bruderschaft, 1955, 224pp, $20.

Penner, Katy, Diamonds in the Sand, 2001, 260pp, $8.

Penner, Peter, Russians, North Americans, and Telugus, 1997, 413pp, $8.

Penner, Peter, Reaching the Otherwise Unreached: An Historical Account of the West Coast Children’s Mission of B.C., 1960, 125pp, $3.

Penner, Peter, No Longer At Arms Length: Mennonite Brethren Church Planting in Canada, 1987, 178pp, $4.

Peters, C.C., Vor den Toren Moskaus, 1960, 148pp, $6.

Peters, Dorothy with Christine Kampen, Daughters in the House of Jacob: A Memoir of Migration, 2016, 275pp, $5.

Peters, Frank C., Resolutions and Recommendations of the Canadian Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1961-1975, 1976, 125pp, $2.

Peters, G. H., “Blumen am Wegrand” : Gedichte, 1946, 265pp, $5.

Peters, G. W., Foundations of Mennonite Brethren Missions, 1984, 262pp, $3.

Peters, G. W., The Growth of Foreign Missions in the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1947, 327pp, $3.

Peters, G.W., The Call of God and the Foreign Missionary, nd, 30pp, $1.

Peters, Jake, Approaching the Glory, 2000, 161pp, $2.

Peters, Katie, Abraham Riediger (1782-1978), 1978, 206pp, $8.

Peters, P.J., This Land of Ours and other poems, 1972, 144pp, $2.

Peters, P.J., Reflections: in Poetry and Pictures, 1984, 157pp, $2.

Peters, P.J., Driftwood and Other Poems, 1978, 155pp, $2.

Peters, Sarah, Walk With Me South of the Equator, 2005, 244pp, $3.

Plett, C.F., The story of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church, 1985, 338pp, $10.

Plett, Delbert F., Johann Plett: A Mennonite Family Saga, 2003, 857pp, $15.

Plett, Delbert F., Storm and Triumph, 1986, 337pp, $10.

Plett, Delbert F., Saints and Sinners, 1999, 352pp, $6.

Plett, Delbert F., The Golden Years, 1985, 355pp, $10.

Plett, Delbert F., Dynasties of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Imperial Russia and North America, 2000, 766pp, $15.

Plett, Delbert F., Plett Picture Book, 1981, 161pp, $15.

Plett, Delbert F., ed., Leaders  of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia, 1812 to 1874, 1993, 932pp, $15.

Plett, Harvey, Seeking To Be Faithful, 1996, 188pp, $4.

Poettcker, Henry, and Rudy Regehr, Call to Faithfulness: Essays in Canadian Mennonite Studies, 1972, 222pp, $3.

Popkes, Enno, Neues Taschenliederbuch, 1951, 238pp, $2.

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Priebe, Wesley J., and Don Ratzlaff, To a Higher Plane of Vision, 1983, 48pp, $2.

Pries, G.D., A Place Called Peniel: Winkler Bible Institute, 1925-1975, 1975, 262pp, $3.

Priess, Anita, Exiled to Siberia = Verbannung nach Siberien, 1972, 178pp, $8.

Protheroe, Daniel, and J.N. Rodeheaver, comp., Quartets for Men, 1946, 191pp, $2.

Quiring, Walter, Mennonites in Canada: A Pictorial Record, 1961, 208pp, $15.

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Quiring, Walter, and Helen Bartel, Als Ihre Zeit Erfüllt War:  150 Jahre Bewährung in Russland, 1963, 211pp, $25.

Ramseyer, Robert L., Sharing the gospel, 1982, 160pp, $2.

Ratzlaff, Erich, Ein Leben Für Den Herrn; Biographie und Predigten von David Borisovich Wiens, 1982, 171pp, $3.

Ratzlaff, Erich, D.B. Wiens: Ein Leben für den Herrn, 1982, 171pp, $4.

Ratzlaff, Erich L., The Clearbrook Mennonite Brethren Church, 1986, 112pp, $5.

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Redekop, Anna, et al., eds., The History of the Herbert Mennonite Brethren Church, 1905-1980, 1980, 61pp, $3.

Redekop, Calvin, Mennonite Society, 1989, 397pp, $8.

Redekop, Calvin, The Church Functions With Purpose, 1967, 40pp, $1.

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Redekop, Calvin, and Benjamin Redekop, Entrepreneurs in the Faith Community: Profiles of Mennonites in Business, 1996, 268pp, $5.

Redekop, Gloria Neufeld, The Work of Their Hands: Mennonite Women’s Societies in Canada, 1996, 172pp, $8.

Redekop, John H., A People Apart: Ethnicity and the Mennonite Brethren, 1987, 198pp, $4.

Redekop, John H., The Christian & Civil Disobedience, 1990, 42pp, $3.

Redekop, John H., On Capital Punishment, 1987, 31pp, $2.

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Redekopp, Alfred, Jacob Thielmann and Helena Kroeker : a family history and genealogy of their descendants, 1987, 315pp, $9.

Redekopp, Elsa, Wish and Wonder: A Manitoba Village Child, 1982, 59pp, $3.

Redekopp, Elsa, Dream and Wonder: A child’s view of Canadian village life, 1986, 119pp, $3.

Redekopp, Henry W., and Susan Hiebert, A Place of Kindness, 1990, 78pp, $3.

Regehr, Ernie, Making a Killing, 1975, 135pp, $3.

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Regehr, T.D., A Generation of Vigilance: The Lives and Work of Johannes and Tina Harder, 2009, 334pp, $8.

Regehr, T.D., and J.I. Regehr, For Everything a Season, 1988, 161pp, $12.

Regehr, Walter, 25 Jahre Kolonie Neuland, Chaco-Paraguay (1947-1972): Eine Gedenkschrift zum 25 jährigen Jubiläum, 1972, 152pp, $5.

Regier, P.K., ed., Proceedings of the Study Conference on the Believers’ Church, 1955, 246pp, $2.

Reimer, Dalton, In Newness of Life: A chronicle of the beginning of the Anabaptist Mennonite Church (reader’s theatre manuscript), 1972, 33pp, $3.

Reimer, David P., Erfahrungen der Mennoniten in Canada während des zweiten Weltkrieges, 1939-1945, 1947, 177pp, $5.

Reimer, Henry E., Being Born Again by the Word of God, 1970, 56pp, $1.

Reimer, J.W., Der Wundervolle Ratschluß Gottes mit der Menschheit, kurz dargestellt nach der Heiligen Schrift, nd, 64pp, $2.

Reimer, Johannes, Bis an die Enden Sibiriens: Aus dem leben und Wirken des Ostjaken Missionars, Johann Peters, 1998, 155pp, $3.

Reimer, Johannes, Kein Anderes Fundament, 1996, 270pp, $5.

Reimer, Johannes, Seine letzten Worte waren ein Lied, 1997, 115pp, $3.

Reimer, Johannes, Liberty in Confinement: A Story of faith in the Red Army, 2000, 161pp, $3.

Reimer, Johannes, Der Verweigerer, 1991, 173pp, $2.

Reimer, Mavis, Cornelius W. Wiebe: A Beloved Physician, 1983, 133pp, $3.

Rempel, David D., Osterwick, 1812-1943, 1973, 224pp, $9.

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Rempel, J.G., Die Rosenorter Gemeinde in Saskatchewan in Wort und Bild, 1950, 183pp, $6.

Rempel, John D., and Paul Tiessen, Forever Summer, Forever Sunday: Peter Gerhard Rempel’s Photographs of Mennonites in Russia, 1890-1917, 1981, 141pp, $30.

Rempel, Martha, Milestones and Memories : Bergthaler Mennonite church of Morden, 1981, 192pp, $10.

Rempel, Peter A., Bilder aus der Kirchen und Mennonitengeschichte, 1934, 41pp, $4.

River East Mennonite Brethren Church, River East Mennonite Brethren Church Family, 1983, 43pp, $2.

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Roth, Willard E., Is there a middle road?, 1964, 15pp, $1.

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Ruebsaat, Gisela, The First Freedom: Freedom of conscience and Religion in Canada (2 Copies), 1991, 79pp, $3.

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Sangster, W.E., Sangster’s Special-Day Sermons, 1960, 160pp, $2.

Sankey, Ira D., Sacred Songs & Solos and New Hymns & Solos, nd, 0pp, $3.

Sawatsky, Walter, Soviet Evangelicals Since World War II, 1981, 528pp, $7.

Sawatzky, A.G., Lieder=Quelle fur Kirche und Haus, 1950, 32pp, $1.

Sawatzky, Heinrich, Templer Mennonitischer Herkunft, 1955, 69pp, $4.

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Sawatzky, P.J., Das Seltene Buch, 1984, 343pp, $5.

Sawatzky, Valentin, Abendlicht, 1977, 130pp, $2.

Sawatzky, Valentin, Friedenskäange, 1971, 94pp, $2.

Schaefer, Paul J., Woher? Wohin? Mennoniten! 2.Teil: Die Mennoniten in Rußland und den Vereinigten Staaten, 1942, 84pp, $3.

Schaefer, Paul J., Woher? Wohin? Mennoniten! 3.Teil: Die Mennoniten in Canada, 1946, 187pp, $5.

Schaeffer, Paul J., Heinrich H. Ewert: Lehrer, Erzieher und Prediger der Mennoniten, 1945, 161pp, $3.

Schapansky, Henry, The Old Colony (Chortitza) of Russia: Early History and First Settlers in the Context of the Mennonite Migrations, 2001, 519pp, $6.

Schmidt, Allen & Louise, Family Register of Peter & Maria Nickel, 1854-1985, 1985, 334pp, $10.

Schmidt, Henry J., Witnesses of a Third Way, 1986, 146pp, $4.

Schmidt, Henry J., ed., Conversion: Doorway to Discipleship, 1980, 135pp, $2.

Schmidt, J.M., The Lord’s Donkey, 2001, 179pp, $5.

Schmidt, Orlando, Sing and Rejoice, 1979, 148pp, $3.

Schroeder, Anna, Year of Decision, 1962, 214pp, $2.

Schroeder, David, Invited to Faith, 1973, 159pp, $1.

Schroeder, Friedrich, I Remembr: Memoirs of Friedrich Schroeder (Translated by Elli Driediger), 1988, 50pp, $2.

Schroth, Gwendoline Hiebert, Curry, Corduroy and the Call, 2011, 183pp, $4.

Scott, Stephen, Plain Buggies, 1981, 96pp, $2.

Senn, Fritz, Das Dorf im Abendgrauen: Gedichte, 1974, 97pp, $8.

Shaw, S. B., Rührende Begebenheiten und Werkwürdige Gebetshörungen, 1897, 128pp, $2.

Shenk, David W., God’s Call to Mission, 1994, 229pp, $3.

Shenk, Wilbert R., The Church in Mission, 1984, 71pp, $2.

Shenk, Wilbert R., An Experiment in Interagency Coordination, 1986, 56pp, $2.

Sider, Ronald J., Christ and Violence, 1979, 108pp, $5.

Siemens, Leonard B., Good Seed Scattered: A memoir and writtings, 2015, 171pp, $7.

Siemens, Ruth Derksen, Daughters in the City: Mennonite Maids in Vancouver, 2013, 93pp, $20.

Siemens, Ruth Derksen, Remember Us: Letters from Stalin’s Gulag (1930-37), 2007, 407pp, $7.

Simons, Menno, The Complete Writings of Menno Simons, 1956, 1092pp, $20.

Smith, Alfred B., compiler, Sing Men!  Book 2, 1950, 65pp, $1.

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Smith, C. Henry, Mennonites and Their Heritage, No. 2: Mennonites in America, 1944, 72pp, $2.

Solomon, Etala David, Change and Continuity, 2012, 225pp, $3.

Sprunger, Ben, Carol J. Suter, Wally Kroeker, Faith Dilemmas for Marketplace Christians, 1997, 79pp, $2.

Stahl, Daniel, Nazi-Jagd: Sudamerikas Diktaturen und die Ahndung von NS-Verbrechen, 2013, 430pp, $30.

Stambrook, Fred, A Sharing of Diversities: Proceedings of the Jewish-Mennonite-Ukrainian Conference, 1999, 264pp, $3.

Stoesz, Cheryl, The Struggle of Love, 1983, 110pp, $3.

Suderman, Robert, God’s People Now: Face to Face with Mennonite Church Canada, 2007, 127pp, $3.

Surukin, W.F., and Johann F. Dyck, Am Trakt: Eine Mennonitische Kolonie im mittleren Wolgagebiet, 1948, 78pp, $6.

Swartz, H., ed., Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Publication of Mennonite Brethren Bible College: 1944-1969, 1969, 62pp, $2.

Teichrib, Abram, Der Weg Zur Heimat: Erinnerungen meiner Mutter, 2005, 287pp, $5.

Teigrob, David, What Mean These Stones?, 1979, 90pp, $10.

Thiessen, Anna, The City Mission in Winnipeg, 1991, 124pp, $2.

Thiessen, Anna, Die Stadtmission in Winnipeg, 1955, 129pp, $1.

Thiessen, Brad, ed., Out of Strange Silence, 2005, 219pp, $4.

Thiessen, Brad, ed., True Life: First-hand Stories of Mission, 2000, 103pp, $2.

Thiessen, Dick, Beyond Those Mountains, 1985, 148pp, $5.

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Thiessen, Isaac A., Silberstrahlen : eine Sammlung geistreicher Gedichte für jugendvereine und andere gelegenheiten, nd, 102pp, $1.

Thiessen, J.C., Das Himmelreich in Geschichte und Weissagung, 1921, 64pp, $1.

Thiessen, Jacob G., Das Reich Gottes auf Erden: In Frage und Antwort, nd, 44pp, $2.

Tiessen, H.B., 50 Jahre in Canada, 1973, 105pp, $4.

Tinder, Glenn, Can We Be Good Without God?, 1989, 23pp, $1.

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Toews, Gerhard, Die Heimat in Trümmern: Deutsche Schicksale im Rußland der Anarchie, 1936, 316pp, $4.

Toews, Helene, Glückliche, sonnige Schulzeit, nd, 111pp, $3.

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Toews, John B., With Courage to Spare: The Life of B. B. Janz (1877-1964), 1978, 185pp, $5.

Toews, John E., and Gordon Nickel (Eds.), The Power of the Lamb, 1986, 183pp, $3.

Toews, John E., Valerie Rempel, and Katie Funk Wie, Your Daughters Shall Prophesy: Women in Ministry in the Church, 1992, 222pp, $8.

Toews, Miriam, A Complicated Kindness: A Novel, 2004, 246pp, $4.

Toews, Paul, Pilgrims and Strangers: Essays in Mennonite Brethren History, 1977, 183pp, $4.

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Unruh, Abram H., and Heinrich H.Janzen, Der Ewige Sohn Gottes: Erbauliche Vorträge über Hebräer Kap. 1-6 und 10, 1974, 120pp, $1.

Unruh, Benjamin H., Leitfaden für den Religionsunterricht I Teil: Altes Testament, 1913, 144pp, $6.

Unruh, Benjamin Heinrich, Fügung und  Führung im Mennonitischen Welthilfswerk, 1920-1933: Humanität in christlicher Sicht, 1966, 76pp, $8.

Urry, James, Mennonites, Politics, and Peoplehood, 2006, 400pp, $12.

Urry, James, None But Saints, 1989, 322pp, $15.

Vins, Georgi P., Wie Schafe unter Wölfen: Erfahrungen eines Christen in Sowjetischen Straflagern, 1987, 117pp, $5.

Visser, Piet, Spuren von Menno, 1996, 168pp, $15.

Vogt, A.A., Register der Personennamen, die in dem Geschichtswerk der Altevangelischen Mennonitische Bruederschaft, n.d., 56pp, $2.

Vogt, Esther Loewen, Edge of Dawn, 1990, 198pp, $2.

Vogt, Virgil, The Christian Calling, 1961, 48pp, $1.

Voth, J.H., Fuenfundzwanzig Jahre am “Berg der Goetter”, nd, 24pp, $1.

Wall, Cornelius, Principles We Lived By, 1975, 38pp, $2.

Wall, Cornelius, and Agnes Wall, As We Remember, 1979, 178pp, $4.

Warkentin, Abe, Gäste und Fremdlinge: Hebräer 11:13 = Strangers and pilgrims : Hebrews 11:13, 1987, 361pp, $20.

Warkentin, Paul, ed., Typisch Mennonitisch: miteinader, nebeneinander, zueinander, 1993, 74pp, $2.

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Wedel, C.H., Meditationen zu den Fragen und Antworten unseres Katechismus, 1910, 322pp, $5.

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Wenger, J.C., Separated unto God: A Plea for Christian Simplicity of Life and for a Scriptural Non-conformity to the World, 1951, 350pp, $5.

Wenger, J.C., The Way to a New Life, 1977, 70pp, $1.

Werner, Hans, The Constructed Mennonite: History, Memory, and the Second World War, 2013, 205pp, $8.

Wiebe, Ben, Messianic Ethics: Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the Church in Response, 1992, 224pp, $2.

Wiebe, David, and Paul Wiebe, Colors of the Mennonites in Andhra Pradesh, 2013, 164pp, $10.

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Wiebe, Dwight, and Albert Kroeker, Peace Orations, 1950, 15pp, $1.

Wiebe, Helene, …und dennoch glücklich!, nd, 115pp, $3.

Wiebe, Katie F., Alone: A Widow’s Search for Joy, 1976, 303pp, $6.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, Good Times with Old Times, 1979, 175pp, $4.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, Bridging the Generations, 2001, 235pp, $5.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, You Never Gave Me a Name, 2009, 279pp, $4.

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Wiebe, Katie Funk, Have Cart, Will Travel (Paulina Foote, Missionary in China), 1974, 86pp, $1.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, Who Are the Mennonite Brethren?, 1984, 107pp, $3.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, Women Among the Brethren: Stories of Fifteen Mennonite Brethren and Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Women, 1979, 197pp, $3.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, Second Thoughts, 1981, 201pp, $4.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, Day of Disaster: The story of Mennonite Disaster Service, 1976, 206pp, $3.

Wiebe, Paul, Heirs and Joint Heirs, 2010, 408pp, $4.

Wiebe, Paul, and David Wiebe, In Another Day of the Lord: The Mission Days of the MB Church of India in Pictures, 2010, 154pp, $5.

Wiebe, Philip, It Takes Two to Tangle, 1999, 147pp, $3.

Wiebe, Rudy, Of This Earth: A Mennonite Boyhood In the Boreal Forest, 2006, 391pp, $5.

Wiebe, Viola Bergthold, Sepia Prints: a Scrapbook, 1990, 173pp, $3.

Wiens J.B., Taunty Wellmschy, nd, 75pp, $2.

Wiens, A.K., and Gertrude Wiens, Shadowed by the Great Wall, 1979, 120pp, $4.

Wiens, Delbert, New Wineskins for Old Wine: A Study of the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1965, 28pp, $1.

Wiens, F.J., Pionierarbeit unter den Hakkas in Süd-China, 1922, 302pp, $3.

Wiens, Hans J., Dass die Heiden Miterben seien, 1987, 238pp, $3.

Wiens, Henry J., The Mennonite Brethren Churches of North America: An Illustrated Survey, 1954, 192pp, $5.

Wiens, J.G., Die Gottesdienstlichen Einrichtungen in Israel, 1945, 30pp, $1.

Wiens, J.G., Homiletik, 1939, 96pp, $2.

Wiens, Johann, Eine Hilfe in den großen Nöten, 1925, 79pp, $1.

Wiens, Peter, Mennonites in Paraguay : pamphlet for the meetings of the General Council of the Mennonite World Conference in Filadelfia, 1987, 13pp, $1.

Wiens, Peter, Centro de Salud Mennonita Km 81, 1976, 50pp, $3.

Wiens, Peter, 50 Jahre Kolonie Fernheim, 1980, 318pp, $7.

Wiens, Peter B., Wenn der Farmer Schriftleiter wird…, 1977, 310pp, $3.

Wiens, Peter, and Peter Klassen, Jubilämsschrift zum 25 jährigen Bestehen der Kolonie Fernheim, 1956, 72pp, $4.

Willms, John, and John Van Bergen, Mennonite Brethren Church: 1929-1979 (Gem, Alberta), 1979, 110pp, $4.

Winkler Bible Institute, The Morning Star (Yearbook);   [various years, contact CMBS], , 75pp, $3.

Winkler Bible Institute, Gottes Gnade in Pniel, 1939-1940, 1940, 20pp, $3.

Winkler Home Coming Committee (Pub.), Winkler: A Proud Heritage, 1982, 270pp, $20.

Winkler MB Church, Mennonite Brethren Church: Winkler, Manitoba, 1888-1963, 1963, 44pp, $5.

Wohlgemut, Ben A., Youth in Short-Term Missions, 1979, 43pp, $1.

Wohlgemuth, Paul W., Worship hymnal concordance, 1983, 60pp, $3.

Wolf, Heiner, Unser Fröhlicher Gesell, nd, 0pp, $2.

Wölk, Heinrich, and Gerhard Wölk, Die Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde Rußland: 1925-1980, 1981, 229pp, $6.

Wölk, Heinrich, and Gerhard Wölk, A Wilderness Journey: Glimpses of the Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia, 1925-1980, 1982, 169pp, $6.

Wright, G. Ernest, God Who Acts, 1966, 132pp, $3.

Yoder, Edward, Must Christians Fight: A Scriptual Enquiry, 1944, 68pp, $2.

Yoder, Edward, Müssen Christen Kriegen: Eine Forschung auf Grund Heiliger Schrift, 1944, 68pp, $2.

Yoder, John Howard, The Christian and Capital Punishment, 1961, 24pp, $2.

Yoder, John Howard, What Would You Do?, 1983, 115pp, $5.

Yoder, Juan H., Hacia donde va la Historia?, nd, 19pp, $1.

Yoder, Sanford Calvin, For Conscience Sake: A Study of Mennonite Migrations Resulting from the World War, 1940, 300pp, $8.

Zacharias, Peter D., Footprints of a Pilgrim People, 1984, 291pp, $10.

Zeman, Jarold K., and Walter Klaassen, The Believers’ Church in Canada: Addresses and Papers from the Study Conference in Winnipeg, 1979, 410pp, $2.

Zimmermann, C.F., ed., Silberklänge: Sammlung von Liedern, nd, 232pp, $3.