This list of used books for sale was produced on November 4, 2024. Please contact Carina Gallardo at CMBS [] if you would like to purchase a used book and/or to check on its availability, as some books may have already been sold. We ship within Canada.
Adrian, Victor, and Donald Loewen, eds., Committed to World Mission, 1990, 129pp, $2.
Altona EMMC, Celbrating God’s Faithfulness, 2001, 136pp, $10.
Augsburger, David W., The Love Fight: How to care and confront in resolving conflict, 1973, 172pp, $2.
Augsburger, Myron S., The Robe of God: Reconciliation, the Believers Church Essential, 2000, 259pp, $10.
Augsburger, Myron S., The Broken Chalice, 1971, 136pp, $3.
Baerg, Anna, Diary of Anna Baerg 1916-1924, 1985, 158pp, $8.
Baker, Mark D., Religious No More, 1999, 187pp, $2.
Barkman, Betty, Four Buds in His Bouquet, 1980, 135pp, $3.
Barrows, Cliff, The Chancel Choir, 1957, 60pp, $1.
Bartsch, Anna, Die Verborgene Hand in Meiner Lebensgeschichte, 1982, 220pp, $3.
Bartsch, Franz, Unser Auszug nach Mittelasien, 1948, 91pp, $6.
Bassett, David R., Steve Ratzlaff, Tim Geddert, A Persistent Voice, 2009, 211pp, $5.
Becker, Dennis, Teaching Adults, 1982, 40pp, $1.
Becker, Dennis and Nancy, Family Night at Home: Leader’s Guide, 1982, 33pp, $1.
Becker, Nancy, Teaching Youth-Ages 12-18: What are they like? How do they learn?, nd, 47pp, $1.
Bender, Ross Thomas, The People of God, 1971, 208pp, $2.
Bender, Urie A., The Witness: Message, Method, Motivation, 1965, 159pp, $2.
Bender, Urie A., Stumbling Heavenward: Peter Rempel, 1984, 304pp, $5.
Berg, Abram, Dietrich Heinrich Epp: Aus seinem Leben, Wirken und selbstaufgezeichneten Erinnerungen, 1973, 87pp, $3.
Bergen, John J., ed., A Celebration of Service, 1991, 282pp, $3.
Bestvater, Wm. I., Betrachtungen über das letzte Buch der Bibel, 1919, 117pp, $1.
Bethany Bible Institute, The Ray (Yearbook); [various years, contact CMBS], , 75pp, $3.
Bethany Bible Institute, Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: 75 Years, 2002, 47pp, $3.
Bethel Mennonite Church, Bethel Mennonite Church 1936-1980 (Aldergrove BC), 1980, 107pp, $8.
Bickel, Philipp, Das Neue Singvögelein: Eine Sammlung von Liedern für Sonntagsschulen, 1952, 287pp, $2.
Blanke, Fritz, Brothers in Christ, 1961, 78pp, $8.
Block, Isaac I., Assault on God’s Image, 1991, 128pp, $2.
Board of Christian Literature, Becoming Disciples: Membership Manual for Mennonite Brethren Churches, Revised Edition, 1973, 72pp, $1.
Board of Christian Literature (Pub.), Worship Hymnal, 1971, 671pp, $6.
Board of Christian Literature (Pub.), Becoming Disciples: Membership Manual for Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1980, 72pp, $1.
Board of Christian Literature (Pub.), Confession of Faith of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1976, 22pp, $1.
Board of Christian Press, Becoming Disciples: A manual for church Membership Classes (revised edition), 1978, 72pp, $1.
Board of Christian Service, Christians Between East and West, 1965, 55pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions, Foreign Missions: Mennonite Brethren Mission to the Paraguay Chaco Indians, 1948, 59pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions, Foreign Missions M.B. Mission in West China, 1949, 30pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions, Foreign Missions, 1946, 46pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions: Africa, 1947, 116pp, $2.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions: Mennonite Brethren Mission Brazil, 1947, 21pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Missionary Album of Missionaries Serving, 1952, 126pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions-India: The American Mennonite Brethren Mission in India, 1898-1948, 1948, 183pp, $2.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Missionary Album of Missionaries Serving, 1954, 149pp, $2.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Foreign Missions: MB Mission Brazil (2 copies), nd, 21pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Missionary Album of Missionaries Serving, 1951, 117pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), August 1996: The Story of Post Oak M.B. Mission to the Comanches, 1946, 46pp, $1.
Board of Foreign Missions (Pub.), Mennonite Brethern Mission: Columbia, 1952, 29pp, $1.
Board of Life and Faith/Kindred Productions, Confession of Faith; Commentary and Pastoral App., 2000, 238pp, $8.
Board of Missions, Guiding Principles And Policies Of Mennonite Brethren Church Missions, 1960, 42pp, $1.
Board of Spiritual and Social Concerns (Pub.), Leadership Handbook: of the Canadian Conference of M.B. Churches of North America, 1984, 53pp, $1.
Boldt, Cornelius, Das Lebendige Wasser, nd, 67pp, $2.
Boldt, Edward (Ed.), When your Children Shall Ask: A History of the Ontario Conference of MB Churches, 1957-1982, 1982, 84pp, $3.
Bonk, Jon, and Stan Plett, The World at War, the Church at Peace (with study guide), 1988, 129pp, $6.
Bowler, Gerry, Christian Week: The Print Years, 1987-2014, 2021, 186pp, $3.
Braght, Thieleman J. van, Martyrs Mirror, 1157pp, $25.
Brandt, Gilbert G., ed., Church Leadership Manual, 1985, 99pp, $1.
Braun Reunion committee, Family Reflections: Abram and Anna Falk Braun, 1991, 200pp, $15.
Brown, Frank, A History of Winkler, 1892-1973, 1973, 204pp, $12.
Brucks, J. H., and H. Hooge, Neu-Samara am Tock, Ruszland–U.S.S.R., 1964, 134pp, $6.
Brunk, L.B., ed., Singing Revival, 1953, 109pp, $3.
Burkholder, J.R., and Calvin Redekop, eds., Kingdom, Cross, and Community, 1976, 323pp, $7.
Can. Conf. MB Chuches, The Hymn Book: English edition of the Gesangbuch, 1960, 555pp, $3.
Canadian Conference of MB Churches, Leadership Handbook: Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1984, 53pp, $1.
Central Mennonite Brethern Church, Winnipeg Zentral Mennoniten Brüder-Gemeinde 1981-1982, nd, 38pp, $1.
Central Mennonite Brethren Church, Winnipeg Zentral Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde, 1973, 26pp, $1.
Coaldale M.B. Church, Gedenk Und Dankfeier Des 25 Jährigen Bestehens Der Coaldale Mennoniten Brueder Gemeinde Am 27 M, 1951, 80pp, $4.
Coggins, James R and Paul Hiebert (Ed.), Wonders and the Word, 1989, 162pp, $4.
Conference of the M.B. Church of North America, Confession of faith of the U.S. and Canadian Conferences of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1999, 26pp, $1.
Conferencia general de las Iglesias Hermanos Menon, Profesion de fe, 1981, 23pp, $1.
Dahl, Wesley John, Faith Walk, 1998, 63pp, $1.
De Fehr, William (Ed.), Harvest: Anthology of Mennonite Writing in Canada 1874-1974, 1974, 182pp, $4.
DeFehr, A. A., et al., 25 Jahre Mennonitische Ansiedlung Nord Kildonan 1928-1953, 1953, 72pp, $3.
DeHaan, Richard, The World on Trial: Studies in Romans, 1970, 192pp, $2.
Derksen, George (Pub.), Why am I on This Earth?: Opportunity Series, 1987, 150pp, $1.
Derksen, Mary Klassen, Rise and Shine: 45 Years in the Land of the Rising Sun, 2018, 338pp, $6.
Derksen, Peter (Isaak), Es Wurde Wieder Ruhig, 1989, 183pp, $10.
Derksen, Wilma L., Unsettled Weather: How Do I Forgive?, 2005, 80pp, $2.
Detweiler, Lowell, The Hammer Rings Hope, 2000, 184pp, $5.
Dick, J.J., From Exile in Russia into Mision Work in India, 1940, 20pp, $2.
Dirks, Ray, In God’s Image, 2003, 143pp, $5.
Doell, Leonard, The Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Saskatchewan, 1987, 120pp, $8.
Doerksen, Helen, and Helen Penner, South End Mennonite Brethren Church, Forerunner of the Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church 1936-1986, 1986, 35pp, $2.
Doerksen, John, et al., Golden anniversary of the Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church, 1936-1986, 1986, 66pp, $6.
Drescher, John M., Why I am a Conscientious Objector, 1982, 73pp, $3.
Driedger, Leo, Mennonites in Winnipeg, 1990, 95pp, $2.
Driver, John, Images of the Church in Mission, 1997, 238pp, $8.
Driver, John, Community and Commitment, 1976, 92pp, $2.
Driver, John, Becoming God’s Community, 1981, 159pp, $2.
Dueck, Abe J., Moving beyond secession, 1997, 179pp, $5.
Dueck, Abe J., Krankenhaus Concordia 1928-1978, trans. Erich Ratzlaff, English and German edition, 1978, 84pp, $3.
Dueck, Abe J., Concordia Hospital: Faith, Health and Community, 1928-2003, 2003, 107pp, $8.
Dueck, Abe J., ed., The Bible and the Church, 1988, 277pp, $5.
Dueck, Dora, A Time to Remember: The Story of Reverend B.B. and Lena Fast, 2009, 242pp, $5.
Dueck, H. H., ed., He Leadeth…:History of the MB Churches of Ontario, 1924-1957, 1957, 107pp, $5.
Dueck, H.H., ed., Er führet: Geschichte der Ontario MB Gemeinden, 1924-1957, 1957, 107pp, $3.
Dueck, Helene, Durch Trübsal und Not, 1993, 241pp, $4.
Duerksen, David D., A Passion of Gratitude, 2003, 241pp, $10.
Duerksen, Heinrich, Daβ du nicht vergessest der Geschichten, 1990, 235pp, $5.
Durksen, Hedy, Along Highways and Hedges: The Story of Joe and Marie Wiebe, 1977, 183pp, $4.
Durksen, Martin, Die Krim war unsere Heimat, 1980, 324pp, $15.
DVD, Through the Red Gate, 2008, 0pp, $5.
DVD, Being in the Way the Lod Led Me: A Documentary of Frank Dyck’s Life, 2012, 0pp, $5.
Dyck, Abe Jr., He Leadeth Me – A Tribute to Abram & Johanna Dyck, nd, 103pp, $2.
Dyck, Anni (Ed.), Jesus Christus der Herr: Eindrücke und Ausdrücke der siebenten Mennonitischen Weltkonferenz, 1963, 44pp, $2.
Dyck, Arnold, De Opnaom: Akt 2 von Wellkaom op’e forestei, 1951, 60pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua en Dietschlaund, Zweiter Teil, 1961, 116pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe; Zweiter Teil, 1945, 122pp, $4.
Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe: Funfter teil, 1948, 103pp, $4.
Dyck, Arnold, Wellkaom op’e Forstei! : Szenen aus dem mennonitischen Forsteileben in Rußland, 1950, 66pp, $2.
Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua op Reise teil 2, 1954, 104pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Dee Millionäa von Kosefeld, nd, 94pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe; Dritter Teil, 1946, 119pp, $2.
Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua op Reise, 1942, 94pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua en Dietschlaund, Erster Teil, 1960, 86pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua op Reise, 2. Teil, 1954, 104pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe, Vierter Teil, 1947, 99pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Collected works vol. 4, 1985, 0pp, $35.
Dyck, Arnold, Onse Lied en ola Tiet, 1950, 66pp, $5.
Dyck, Arnold, Collected works vol. 3, 1985, 0pp, $35.
Dyck, Arnold, Collected works vol. 1, 1985, 515pp, $35.
Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua faore nao Toronto: Zweiter Teil, 1949, 102pp, $3.
Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe, Erster Teil, 1944, 127pp, $4.
Dyck, Arnold (Pub.), Warte-Jahrbuch fuer die Mennonitische Gemeinschaft in Canada: 1944, 1944, 122pp, $1.
Dyck, Arnold, trans by E. Peters, Two Letters; The Millionaire of Goatfield; Runde Koake, 1980, 70pp, $4.
Dyck, Cornelius J., An Introduction to Mennonite History, 1st ed., 1967, 452pp, $5.
Dyck, Cornelius J., The Witness of the Holy Spirit, 1967, 423pp, $1.
Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., Something Meaningful for God, 1981, 397pp, $3.
Dyck, Harvey L., ed., A Mennonite in Russia- The Diaries of Jacob D. Epp, 1991, 456pp, $60.
Dyck, John, History of Crosstown Credit Union, 1993, 174pp, $3.
Dyck, John, Oberschulze Jakob Peters 1813-1884, 1990, 138pp, $3.
Dyck, John, ed., Bergthal Gemeinde Buch, 1993, 439pp, $35.
Dyck, John, ed., Historical Sketches of the East Reserve, 1994, 722pp, $5.
Dyck, Peter J., A Leap of Faith: Stories for Young and Old, 1990, 111pp, $3.
Dyck, Peter P., Orenburg am Ural, 1951, 160pp, $5.
Ediger, Gerald, Crossing the Divide: Language Transition Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren, 1940-1970, 2001, 236pp, $4.
Ediger, Gerry, Teaching Primaries … The Fun Years, nd, 22pp, $1.
Ehrt, Adolf, Das Mennonitentum in Russland, 2003, 162pp, $4.
Elim Gemeinde, Elim Gemeinde, Grunthal, Manitoba 1927-1972, 1972, 140pp, $4.
Elmwood MB Church, Elmwood MB Church Directory, 1998, 32pp, $1.
Enns, Aelt J., Dem Herrn Die Ehre, 1969, 150pp, $3.
Enns, Anna, In Search of Unity: Story of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 1996, 290pp, $8.
Enns, F. F., Ohm Franz: Ältester Franz F. Enns, 1977, 107pp, $3.
Enns, F. G., Gretna: Window on the Northwest, 1987, 343pp, $20.
Enns, F.F., Elder Enns, “Ohm Franz”, 1979, 106pp, $3.
Enns, Herman, Behold your God!: Selected Sermons, 1986, 152pp, $5.
Enns, J. H., Zum Geleit, nd, 22pp, $1.
Enns, Mary M., Mia: The Story of a Remarkable Woman, 1981, 175pp, $5.
Enns, William, Schwers Schicksal: Aus dem leben des kranken Peter Dyck, 1948, 67pp, $4.
Ens, Gustav, Der Mensch und die Menschwerdung Jesu Christi, 1919, 46pp, $1.
Ens, Sarah, Flyway, 2022, 110pp, $4.
Epp, David H., Heinrich Heese Johann Philipp Wiebe, 1952, 50pp, $4.
Epp, David H., Johann Cornies: Züge aus seinem Leben und Wirken, 1946, 147pp, $5.
Epp, Frank H., The Palestinians, 1976, 240pp, $12.
Epp, Frank H., Mennonites in Canada 1920-1940: A People’s Struggle for Survival, 1982, 640pp, $7.
Epp, Frank H., The Glory and the Shame: Editorials on the past, present and future of the Mennonite Church, 1968, 79pp, $3.
Epp, Frank H., Your Neighbour as Yourself, 1968, 144pp, $3.
Epp, Frank H., Mennonites in Canada 1786-1920: The History of a Separate People, 1974, 480pp, $7.
Epp, Frank H., Mennonite Peoplehood: A Plea for New Initiatives, 1977, 120pp, $3.
Epp, Frank H., Stories with Meaning: A Guide for the Writing of Congregational Histories, 1978, 32pp, $3.
Epp, Frank H., Mennonite Exodus: The Rescue and Resettlement of the Russian Mennonites Since the Communist Revolution, 1962, 571pp, $20.
Epp, Frank H., ed., Partners in Service, 1982, 73pp, $2.
Epp, Frank, ed., I would like to dodge the draft-dodgers but…, 1970, 95pp, $5.
Epp, George K., Geschichte der Mennoniten in Russland, Band III, 1997, 304pp, $30.
Epp, George K., Geschichte Der Mennoniten in Russland, Band II, 1998, 271pp, $30.
Epp, George K., Geschichte der Mennoniten in Russland, Band I, 1997, 247pp, $30.
Epp, George K., Unter dem Nordlicht: Anthology of German-Mennonite Writing in Canada, 1977, 292pp, $3.
Epp, Henry H., ed., Hymn Sing Celebration: Mennonite Centennial, 1874-1974, 1974, 0pp, $4.
Epp, Johann, Erwecket Euren Lauteren Sinn, 2003, 221pp, $5.
Epp, John Mark, John H. Epp: A Biography, 1993, 104pp, $6.
Epp, Margaret, But God Hath Chosen: The story of John and Mary Dyck, 1963, 176pp, $3.
Epp, Margaret, 8., Tulpengasse; A Church Blossoms in Vienna, 1978, 276pp, $2.
Epp, Margaret, Proclaim Jubilee: A History of Bethany Bible Institute, 1976, 136pp, $2.
Epp, Margaret, A Fountain Sealed, 1982, 240pp, $5.
Epp, Peter, Ob tausend fallen …, 1988, 203pp, $10.
Epp-Tiessen, Esther, J. J. Thiessen: A Leader for His Time, 2001, 344pp, $5.
Esau, Anna, What God has Done: The story of the Latin American Mennonite Brethren Conference, 1987, 191pp, $6.
Esau, H.T., The Story of Our Church and The Beginning of Our Missions: Course 1 for Juniors, 1946, 59pp, $1.
Esau, Mrs. H.T., First Sixty Years of M.B. Missions, 1954, 552pp, $7.
Estep, W. R., Religious Liberty: Heritage and Responsibility, 1988, 88pp, $2.
Ewald, Heather, My Dad, Ernie Klassen: Evangelizing the World one person at a time, 1986, 183pp, $2.
Ewert, Benjamin, Woher? Wohin? Mennoniten! 1, 1942, 66pp, $2.
Ewert, David, The Church Under Fire, 1988, 175pp, $3.
Ewert, David, Finding Our Way: Confronting Issues in the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1999, 188pp, $5.
Ewert, David, Proclaim Salvation: preaching the Church Year, 1992, 160pp, $3.
Ewert, David, And Then Comes the End, 1980, 197pp, $3.
Ewert, David, From Ancient Tablets to Modern Translations, 1983, 2840pp, $7.
Ewert, David, When the Church Was Young, 1993, 151pp, $2.
Ewert, David, The Church in a Pagan Society, 1986, 206pp, $5.
Ewert, David, Die Wunderwege Gottes mit der Gemeinde Jesu Christi, 1978, 144pp, $3.
Ewert, David, Searching the Scriptures, 2001, 231pp, $3.
Ewert, David, A Journey of Faith: An autobiography, 1993, 257pp, $3.
Ewert, David, Honour Such People, 1997, 140pp, $5.
Ewert, David, ed., Called to Teach, 1980, 242pp, $3.
Faith and Life Press, The Way of Peace, 1972, 24pp, $3.
Fast, C. E., What I Owe, 1955, 35pp, $2.
Fast, Gerhard, Das Ende von Chortitza, 1973, 151pp, $4.
Fast, Gerhard, Im Schatten des Todes: Erlebnisbericht aus Sowjetrußland, 1956, 160pp, $3.
Fast, Karl, Laß die an meiner Gnade genügen, 1989, 138pp, $10.
Fast, Karl, Gebt der Wahrheit die Ehre – Zweiter Teil, 1951, 140pp, $6.
Fast, Karl, and C.G. Unruh, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mennonite Settlement in North Kildonan, 1978, 128pp, $3.
Fast, Linda Willems, ed., Brotherfield M.B. Church, 1898–1986, 1988, 159pp, $10.
Fast, Margaret, and Dora Dueck, Willie: Forever Young, 1994, 146pp, $1.
Festkomitee der Mennonitischen Ostreserve (Pub.), Gedenkfeier der Mennonitischen Einwanderung in Manitoba, Canada: 1874-1949, 1949, 172pp, $2.
Fetzer, J. G., Pastoral Theologie, 1908, 136pp, $3.
First Mennonite Church, Jubilate: 60 Years First Mennonite Church, 1991, 182pp, $10.
Foote, Paulina, God’s Hand Over My Nineteen Years in China, 1962, 228pp, $5.
Foth, Maria, Beyond the Border, 1981, 140pp, $4.
Foth, Maria, Lieder Aus Der Not, 1950, 109pp, $1.
Franz, J.J., and D.B. Towner, Neue Zions-Lieder, 1919, 143pp, $2.
Franz, J.J., and D.B. Towner, Zions-Klänge, nd, 65pp, $1.
Friesen and Sons Ltd. (Pub), North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, 1969, 59pp, $2.
Friesen Yearbooks (Pub.), North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, 1979, 0pp, $2.
Friesen, Abraham, P.M. Friesen & his History: Understanding Mennonite Brethren Beginnings, 1979, 176pp, $4.
Friesen, Abram J., God’s Hand Upon My Life, 1986, 328pp, $4.
Friesen, C. Alfred, Memoirs of the Virgil-Niagara Mennonites, 1984, 192pp, $8.
Friesen, D.W. & Sons (Pub.), Der kleine Sänger, 1973, 93pp, $1.
Friesen, D.W. & Sons (Pub.), Der kleine Sänger, 1950, 93pp, $1.
Friesen, Daniel Erstis, End of the Struggle, 1966, 47pp, $1.
Friesen, Duane K., Artists, Citizens, Philosophers: Seeking the Peace of the City, 2000, 349pp, $10.
Friesen, Evelyn, Freedom isn’t Free: A Boat People Story, 1985, 185pp, $3.
Friesen, Frank, Among the Cloud of Witnesses: The Story of Hans Sedlmair, 1981, 35pp, $1.
Friesen, Frank, Among the Cloud of Witnesses: The Story of Hans Sedlmair, 1985, 36pp, $1.
Friesen, Frank, Among the Cloud of Witnesses: The Interrogation of Paul Glock, 1982, 43pp, $1.
Friesen, Frank (au. and trans.), Among the Cloud of Witnesses: Papers Concerning Augustin Wuerzlburger, 1984, 60pp, $2.
Friesen, I.P., Im Dienste des Meisters, nd, 144pp, $2.
Friesen, I.P., Meine Reise nach Palästina, nd, 96pp, $2.
Friesen, Jacob, The Road Unknown, 1993, 248pp, $5.
Friesen, John D., Holding Forth the Word of Life, 1989, 347pp, $2.
Friesen, John J., Building Communities: The Changing Face of Manitoba Mennonites, 2007, 230pp, $20.
Friesen, Martin W., Neue Heimat in der Chaco Wildnis, 1997, 617pp, $4.
Friesen, Martin W., Kanadische Mennoniten Bezwingen Eine Wildnis: 50 Jahre Kolonie Menno (Suedamerika), 1977, 173pp, $5.
Friesen, Mary Giesbrecht, A Time to Say, “I Three”, 1990, 91pp, $7.
Friesen, P.M., The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia (1789-1910), 1978, 1065pp, $45.
Friesen, Patrick, The Shunning, 1980, 103pp, $10.
Friesen, Ted, Altona Mennonite Church 25th anniversary, 1987, 171pp, $10.
Friesen, Ted, and Elisabeth Peters, Memories of Grigorievka, 1998, 295pp, $15.
Froese, Edna Alison, Inside I’m Dancing” Personal Stories of God’s healing and Design, nd, 210pp, $10.
Froese, J.A., Witness Extraordinary: A Biography of Elder Heinrich Voth, 1851-1918, 1975, 60pp, $1.
Froese, J.A., and Phil Hofer, The Church as Peace Witness: A Resource Manual, 1975, 60pp, $1.
Gade, Harold E., Mennonite Brethren Missions in Japan, 1955, 35pp, $1.
Geddert, George, and Rod Willems, 40 Years of God’s Blessing: Redberry Bible Camp, 1992, 42pp, $3.
Geddert, Tim, Gott hat ein Zuhause, 1994, 220pp, $3.
Gem Mennonite Brethren Church, Gem Mennonite Brethren Church, 1929-1979, 1979, 110pp, $8.
General Conference Mennonite, Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, 1995, 112pp, $3.
General Conference of MB Churches, Sing Alleluia, 1985, 160pp, $3.
George, Carl F., The Coming Church Revolution, 1994, 349pp, $2.
Gerbrandt, H.J., Postscript to Adventure in Faith, 1986, 30pp, $2.
Gerbrandt, H.J., Adventure in Faith: The Background in Europe and the Development in Canada of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba, 1970, 379pp, $5.
Gerlach, Horst, Die Russlandmennoniten: Ein Volk Unterwegs, 1992, 184pp, $45.
Giesbrecht, Herb, The MB Church: A Bibliographic Guide, 1983, 99pp, $1.
Giesbrecht, Herbert, Moved and Seconded: Resolutions of the CCMBC, 1960-1990, 1991, 209pp, $2.
Giesbrecht, Herbert, Sach- und Namen Register zu Abraham H. Unruh’s “Die Geschichte der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde: 1860-1954”, 1975, 34pp, $2.
Gingerich, Melvin, The Christian and Revolution, 1968, 227pp, $5.
Gingerich, Melvin, Service for Peace, 1949, 508pp, $6.
Goerz, H, Die Molotschnaer Ansiedlung, 1950, 211pp, $10.
Goerz, H., Die Mennonitischen Siedlungen der Krim, 1957, 71pp, $10.
Goerz, H., Memrik, 1954, 83pp, $7.
Good, Merle, These People Mine – Based on the much-acclaimed musical drama, 1973, 128pp, $3.
Good, Merle and Phyllis, 20 Most Asked Questions about the Amish and Mennonites, 1979, 96pp, $2.
Good, Merle, and Phyllis Pellman Good, eds., What Mennonites are Thinking ,2000, 2000, 338pp, $8.
Goosen, H.H., Adolf Reimer, ein treuer Bote Jesu Christi unter Deutschen und Russen, 1960, 40pp, $3.
Grady, John L., Abortion: Yes or No?, nd, 23pp, $1.
Grimsrud, Ted, Triumph of the Lamb: A Self-Study Guide, Revelation, 1987, 189pp, $4.
Grounds, Vernon C., Evangelicalism and Social Responsibility, 1969, 38pp, $3.
Guenther, Waldemar, et al., Onsi Tjedils: Ersaßdienst der Mennoniten in Rußland unter den Romanows, 1966, 312pp, $5.
Haas, Craig, and Steve Nolt, The Mennonite Starter Kit, 1993, 87pp, $2.
Hamm, Martin, Aus der alten in die neue Heimat: Lebensgeschichte eines schlichten Mennoniten, 1971, 175pp, $3.
Hamm, Peter M., Continuity and Change Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren, 1978, 609pp, $10.
Handy, Robert T., A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada, 1977, 471pp, $8.
Harder, Bernhard J., Alexandertal: Die Geschichte der letzten deutschen Stammsiedlung in Russland, 1959, 110pp, $10.
Harder, Helmut, David Toews Was Here 1870-1947, 2002, 347pp, $8.
Harder, Helmut, Witnessing to Christ in Today’s World: A Faith & Life Study Book, Mennonite World Conference, 1989, 90pp, $2.
Harder, Helmut, Anleitung zum Glauben, 1981, 168pp, $2.
Harder, Leland, Steinbach and its churches, 1970, 109pp, $10.
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Harder, Leland, Perspectives on the Nurturing of Faith, 1983, 189pp, $1.
Harder, Peter R., ed., Arnaud Through the Years, 1974, 393pp, $3.
Harms, Orlando, Pioneer Publisher: The Life and Times of J. F. Harms, 1984, 116pp, $6.
Harms, Orlando, et al., A Century of Grace and Witness: The Mennonite Brethren Church, 1860-1960, 1960, 80pp, $4.
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Heidebrecht, D.B., Deutsches Sprachbuch mit besonderer Beruechsichtigung der Rechtschreibung, 1945, 28pp, $1.
Heidebrecht, Doug, Interpreting the Bible Together: An Interactive Video Curriculum, 2006, pp, $5.
Hein, Gerhard, Ufa : die Mennonitische Ansiedlung bei Ufa am Uralgebirge, 1894-1938, 1975, 158pp, $3.
Heinrichs, Daniel, Adventures of a Mennonite: From the Dry Thirties Out Into the World, 1996, 269pp, $5.
Hershberger, Guy F., Mennonites and Their Heritage, No. V: Christian Relationships to State and Community, 1942, 108pp, $3.
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Hershberger, Guy F., The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, 1957, 360pp, $5.
Hertzler, Daniel, Mennonite Education: Why and How? A Philosophy of Education for the Mennonite Church, 1971, 71pp, $2.
Hiebert, Carl, Us Little People: Mennonite Children, 1998, 120pp, $15.
Hiebert, D. Edmond, First Timothy, 1957, 127pp, $3.
Hiebert, P.C., Mennonites and Their Heritage, No. 6: Life and Service in the Kingdom of God, 1942, 64pp, $2.
Hiebert, Waldo, and Herb Kopp, Deacons and their Ministry, 1985, 44pp, $2.
Hiele, Gerke van, Encountering the eternal one : a guide for Mennonite churches, 2006, 119pp, $1.
Hildebrand, Elmer, CFAM Radio 950; 50 years, 2007, 45pp, $6.
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Hildebrand, Jacob, A Backward Glance, 1982, 136pp, $3.
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Hohmann, W & L. Hostetler, The Mennonite Hymnary, 1940, 593pp, $4.
Horsch, James, ed., Mennonite Directory, 1999, 1999, 339pp, $5.
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Hostetter, B. Charles, How God Leads Us, 1962, 45pp, $3.
Huebert, Gerhard D., Brot des Lebens, 1975, 242pp, $1.
Huebert, Gerhard David, Botschafter an Christi Statt; Eine Sammlung von Predigtentwerfen über freie Texte., nd, 244pp, $3.
Huebert, Helmut T., Events and People, 1999, 258pp, $8.
Huebert, Helmut T., Kornelius Martens: Our Skilful Advocate, 1986, 56pp, $2.
Huebert, Helmut, ed., Looking Back in Faith: Commemorating the Centennial of Manitoba Mennonite Brethren in Photos and Writing, 1988, 83pp, $4.
Hull, C.M. Kathleen, and Wendy Kroeker (Eds.), Braiding Hearts and Hands, 1994, 113pp, $4.
Hunsberger, Gordon, The Way I See It …, 1989, 160pp, $5.
Isaac, Frank K., Elim 50th Anniversary: 1929-1979, 1979, 60pp, $2.
Isaak, Sally Schroeder, Some seed fell on good ground, 1994, 120pp, $2.
Jantz, Harold, Leaders Who Shaped Us, 2010, 323pp, $8.
Jantzen, Mark, The Wrong Side of the Wall: An American in East Berlin During the Peaceful Revolution, 1993, 213pp, $3.
Janz, Willy, Ich Sende Euch: Ein Szenenspiel: Als Beitrag zur 50 jaehrigen Jubilaeumsfeier der russland-deutschen Mennoniten in Suedamerika, 1981, 64pp, $3.
Janz, Willy, and Gerhard Ratzlaff, Gemeinde Unter Dem Kreuz Des Südens, 1980, 225pp, $7.
Janzen, A.E., The Moro’s Spear, 1962, 51pp, $2.
Janzen, A.E., Survey: Mission Fields in India, Africa, Brazil, Paraguay, Columbia, 1950, 157pp, $10.
Janzen, A.E., and Herbert Giesbrecht, We Recommend…: Recommendations and Resolutions of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978, 348pp, $3.
Janzen, H.H., Von der Herrschaft des Geistes : der Heilige Geist und sein Wirken, 1968, 93pp, $2.
Janzen, H.H., Und ich sah… : Eine Auslegung der Offenbarung, 1963, 252pp, $3.
Janzen, H.H., Jesu Rede über die Letzte Zeit: Ein Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der Prophetie der Heiligen Schrift, 1958, 79pp, $2.
Janzen, H.H., Der Römerbrief, 1975, 260pp, $2.
Janzen, Helen, Memories, 1985, 122pp, $5.
Janzen, Henry H., A Brief Outline Study of the Seven Churches: Revelation Chapters Two and Three, 1949, 32pp, $1.
Janzen, Jacob H., De Bildung: Lustiger Einakter, 1945, 20pp, $2.
Janzen, Jakob H., Durch Wind und Wellen: Gedichte von Jakob H. Janzen, 1928, 91pp, $1.
Janzen, Jean, Words for the Silence, 1984, 39pp, $2.
Janzen, William, Walk Humbly with your God, 1979, 111pp, $2.
Janzen, William, and Frances Greaser, Sam Martin Went to Prison, 1990, 59pp, $6.
Jeschke, Marlin, Believers Baptism for Children of the Church, 1983, 157pp, $3.
John, M.B., A Brief Sketch of the Lives of the Late Rev. & Mrs. John H. Voth, 1973, 24pp, $1.
Johns, Helen, Life with God : love in action, 1989, 64pp, $1.
Johnson, Helen, Tapestry of Ancestral Footprints (Enns, Dueck families), nd, 282pp, $12.
Johnson, Rose, As Angels of Light, 1980, 141pp, $3.
Jost, Lynn, and Connie Faber, Family Matters: Discovering the Mennonite Brethren, 2002, 131pp, $3.
Juhnke, James C., A People of Mission, 1979, 280pp, $5.
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Kasdorf, Hans, It’s Sunrise in World Mission: A Vision Statement from the MB Biblical Seminary, 1984, 32pp, $1.
Kasdorf, Hans, Christian Conversion in Context, 1980, 217pp, $4.
Kauffman, J. Howard, and Leland Harder, Anabaptists Four Centuries Later, 1975, 399pp, $5.
Kauffman, Jess, A Vision and A Legacy, 1984, 142pp, $5.
Kauffmann, J. Howard, and Leo Driedger, The Mennonite Mosaic : Identity and Modernization, 1991, 308pp, $4.
Kaufman, Ed G., Mennonites and Their Heritage No. 4 our Mission as a Church of Christ, 1944, 59pp, $1.
Kaufmann, Christine, Mennonite Women’s Calendar, 1984-1986, 1983, 26pp, $1.
Kehler, Larry, Capital Punishment Study Guide, 1980, 62pp, $3.
Keidel, Levi O., Footsteps to Freedom, 1969, 253pp, $5.
Keim, Albert N., Harold S. Bender, 1897-1962, 1998, 592pp, $13.
Keith, W. J., ed., A Voice in the Land: Essays by and about Rudy Wiebe, 1981, 254pp, $4.
Kenna, Kathleen, A People Apart, 1995, 64pp, $8.
Kennel, LeRoy E., Ecology of the Airwaves, 1971, 64pp, $1.
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Klaassen, Horst, Die Backnanger Mennoniten, 1976, 176pp, $5.
Klaassen, Walter, Anabaptism in Outline, 1981, 356pp, $4.
Klaassen, Walter & Klassen, William, Marpeck: A Life of Dissent and Conformity, 2008, 423pp, $10.
Klassen, A.J., ed., The Church in Mission, 1967, 417pp, $5.
Klassen, A.J., ed., The Seminary Story: Twenty Years of Education in Ministry, 1955-1975, 1975, 140pp, $2.
Klassen, Bertha, Da Capo: A History of the Mennonite Community Orchestra, 1993, 130pp, $5.
Klassen, Bertha E., Trovani, 2010, 223pp, $5.
Klassen, D.D., Frohe Botschaft – Radioansprachen, 1983, 95pp, $1.
Klassen, Doreen Helen, ed., Mennonite World Conference, International Songbook: 1990, 1990, 162pp, $3.
Klassen, Elizabeth Suderman, Trailblazer for the Brethren: The Story of Johann Claassen, 1978, 309pp, $6.
Klassen, Is. P., Licht und Schatten : 1. Teil : Gedichte, 1981, 92pp, $3.
Klassen, Johann J., Klassen: A Family Heritage, 1980, 527pp, $8.
Klassen, Johann J., Ens: A Family Heritage, 1983, 249pp, $7.
Klassen, John N., Jesus Christus leben und verkuendigen, 2010, 238pp, $5.
Klassen, John N., ed., In Gott leben wir, bestehen wir, und sind wir!, 2011, 263pp, $3.
Klassen, Otto, I Remember: The Story of Otto Klassen, 2013, 235pp, $5.
Klassen, Peter J., Verlorene Söhne: Ein Beitrag in der Frage der Wehrlosigkeit, nd, 110pp, $3.
Klassen, Peter J., Heimat Einmal…: Eine Erzählung aus Rußlands jüngster Vergangenheit, 1 Band, 1949, 124pp, $3.
Klassen, Peter P., Kaputi Mennonita: Eine friedliche Begegnung im Chacokrieg, 1975, 166pp, $10.
Klassen, Peter P., Die Mennoniten in Paraguay – Band 2: Begenung mit Indianern und Paraguayern, 1991, 376pp, $5.
Klassen, Peter P., Die deutsch-völkische Zeit : in der Kolonie Fernheim, Chaco, Paraguay, 1933-1945, 1990, 148pp, $2.
Klassen, Peter P., Immer Kreisen Die Geier, 1983, 260pp, $8.
Kliewer, Ken, First Fruit, 1987, 49pp, $3.
Kliewer, Victor D., The Mennonite German Society (Mennonitischer Sprachverein), 2014, 81pp, $2.
Klippenstein, Lawrence, That there be peace, 1979, 104pp, $7.
Kommissions-Verlag der Menno. Flüchtlingsfürsorge, ü-Gemeinden in Rußland während der Kriegs- und Revolutionsjahre: 1914 bis 1920, 1921, 115pp, $4.
Konrad, George, Living as God’s Family, 1981, 160pp, $2.
Koop, A.E. Heidi, Peter, A Man of Stamina and Courage: Based on the writings of Peter H. Koop, 1979, 1993, 181pp, $8.
Kopp, Herb, New Life in Christ, 1995, 84pp, $1.
Kopper, Dorothy Louise, Assignment: Zaire, 1997, 303pp, $3.
Kornelsen, Heinrich H., Der Schatz und die Perle: Eine Betrachtung über die Wege Gottes mit dem Volke Gottes und der Gemeinde Jesu Christi an Hand der Prophetie und (cont.), 1972, 124pp, $2.
Kornelsen, Mary, Getragen auf Adlersflügeln, 1984, 233pp, $3.
Krahn, Cornelius; Schmidt, John F. , eds., A Century of Witness, 1860-1960: The General Conference Mennonite Church, 1959, 93pp, $3.
Kraybill, Donald B., The Upside-Down Kingdom, 1978, 328pp, $6.
Kraybill, Paul N., ed., Mennonite World Conference, XI Assembly, Proceedings: 1984, 1985, 384pp, $4.
Kraybill, Paul N., ed., Mennonite World Conference, X Assembly, Proceedings: 1978, 1979, 236pp, $4.
Kraybill, Ronald S., Repairing the Breach: Ministering in Community Conflict (2 copies), 1981, 95pp, $2.
Kreider, Alan, and Stuart Murray, Coming Home, 2000, 216pp, $2.
Kreider, Robert S. et al, The MCC Experience: Hungry, Thirsty, a Stranger, 1988, 391pp, $3.
Kroeker, A., Heimatklänge: Eine Sammlung meistens älterer, bewährter Kernlieder deutschen und englischen Ursprungs, nd, 173pp, $2.
Kroeker, Al, L. Martin, I. Tiessen, and K.F. Wiebe, Membership Manual, 1968, 58pp, $1.
Kroeker, Frank P., My Dad: Mr. Peter T. Kroeker, 2002, 167pp, $8.
Kroeker, Irvin, The Wiens Family Register, 1963, 119pp, $20.
Kroeker, Jacob, Gottes Segensträger, nd, 202pp, $2.
Kroeker, Jacob, Im Heiligtum des Vaterunsers, 1951, 112pp, $4.
Kroeker, Jak., Die Sehnsucht des Ostens, nd, 79pp, $3.
Kroeker, Jakob, Roemerbrief, 1872, 359pp, $2.
Kroeker, Jakob, Der verborgene Umgang mit Gott, 1922, 173pp, $2.
Kroeker, Jakob, Allein mit dem Meister, 1952, 138pp, $2.
Kroeker, Jakob, Der Geist des Widerspruchs, 192-, 24pp, $1.
Kroeker, Jakob, Gottes Segensträger, 1922, 203pp, $2.
Kroeker, N.J., First Mennonite Villages in Russia, 1981, 279pp, $25.
Kroeker, N.J., Erste Mennoniten Dorfer in Russlands, 1981, 292pp, $12.
Kroeker, Nettie, They Left Their Mark, 1979, 185pp, $4.
Krueger, Jake, Nostalgic Recollections of Jake Krueger, 1994, 218pp, $8.
Landkreis Rastatt, Um Rhein und Murg: Heimatbuch des Landkreises Rastatt, 1967, 175pp, $1.
Lange, Richard, Aufgaben zur Rechtschreibung, Wortkunde, Zeichensetzung, Sprachlehre und Stilbildung, nd, 144pp, $2.
Lapp, John A., Peacemakers in a Broken World, 1969, 159pp, $3.
Latter, Walter, I Do Remember: The Story of Helene Latter, 1988, 128pp, $3.
Ledohowski, Edward M., and David K. Butterfield, Architectural Heritage: Traditional Mennonite Architecture in the Rural Municipality of Stanley, 1990, 89pp, $10.
Lendrum Mennonite Brethren Church, Truth Shall Set You Free, 1962-1987, 1987, 128pp, $5.
Lescheid, Helen Grace, Footprints of Compassion: The Story of MCC BC, 1964-1989, 1989, 172pp, $2.
Letkemann, Peter, The Ben Horch Story, 2007, 490pp, $10.
Libreria Loma Plata, Atlas der Kolonie Menno, 2. Auflage, 1991, 214pp, $5.
Lichdi, Diether Götz, Mennonite World Handbook – Mennonites in Global Witness, 1990, 440pp, $3.
Licht den Indianern (Pub.), Wer ist mein Nächster? Quien es mi projimo?, 1986, 79pp, $4.
Liebhart, Henry, Die Perle: Sang und Klang für Sonntagschulen und Jugendvereine, 1894, 224pp, $2.
Loewen, Abram J., Immer Weiter nach Osten, 1981, 120pp, $4.
Loewen, Abram J., and Abram Friesen, Die Flucht Über den Amur, 1946, 66pp, $10.
Loewen, Gerhard, Feldblumen : Gedichte, 1946, 133pp, $3.
Loewen, Harry, Between Worlds: Reflections of a Soviet-born Canadian Mennonite, 2006, 358pp, $8.
Loewen, Heinrich, In Vergessenheit geratene Beziehungen, 1989, 94pp, $2.
Loewen, Helen Harder, Charity Paid, 1980, 138pp, $1.
Loewen, Howard, One Lord, One Church, One Hope, and One God: Mennonite Confessions of Faith, 1985, 369pp, $8.
Loewen, Jacob A., Only the Sword of the Spirit, 1997, 345pp, $10.
Loewen, Julius, Jasykowo Siedlundsschicksal am Dnjepr, 1967, 122pp, $10.
Loewen, Ken, Meditations on a Place & a Way of Life, 1982, 128pp, $6.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Heritage Remembered: A Pictorial Survey of Mennonites in Prussia and Russia (2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged), 1987, 282pp, $15.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Damit es nicht Vergessen Werde: Ein Bildband zur Geschichte der Mennoniten Preussens und Russlands (1st Edition), 1974, 221pp, $25.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Lose Blätter I, 1974, 160pp, $5.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Lose Blätter III, 1976, 168pp, $5.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Lose Blätter II, 1974, 109pp, $5.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Mia: Oder über den Amur in die Freiheit, 1981, 179pp, $3.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Sagradowka, 1947, 112pp, $10.
Lohrenz, Gerhard, Zagradovka: History of a Mennonite Settlement in Southern Russia, 2000, 112pp, $7.
Lohrenz, J.H., Foreign Missions India: What Hath God Wrought!, 1948, 30pp, $1.
Lohrenz, J.H., A Life for Christ in India, 1963, 46pp, $1.
Lohrenz, John H., The Mennonite Brethren Church, 1950, 335pp, $4.
Main Centre MB Church, 75th Anniversary Book, 1904-1979, 1979, 40pp, $3.
Martens, C., Unter dem Kreuz: Erinnerungen aus dem alten und neuen Russland, 1959, 190pp, $5.
Martens, Elmer, ed., Knowing & Living Your Faith, 2008, 130pp, $2.
Martens, Jakob, So Wie Es War: Erinnerungen eines Verbannten, 1963, 133pp, $6.
Martens, Katherine, Reimer Legacy: A Compilation of Historical Voices, 2015, 142pp, $4.
Martens, Katherine, All in a Row: The Klassens of Homewood, 1988, 164pp, $4.
Martens, Larry, Life With Promise: Marriage As A Covenant Venture, 1982, 76pp, $2.
Martens, Phyllis, The Mustard Tree: The Story of Mennonite Brethren Missions, 1971, 213pp, $3.
MCC Editor, Crime is a Peace Issue, nd, 0pp, $3.
McKenzie, Barbara Burkett, “Some of the Women Amazed Us”: Discoveries through Dialogue Regarding Women in Christian Leadership, 2002, 269pp, $5.
Mennonite Brethren Bible College, Rainbow (Yearbook), [various years, contact CMBS], , 75pp, $3.
Mennonite Brethren Church, Constitution of the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1963, 80pp, $1.
Mennonite Brethren Church, Liturgical Readings: Based on the 1999 Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith, 1999, 20pp, $2.
Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, Er Führet …, 1957, 107pp, $1.
Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, Biblische Richtlinien Für den Christlichen Lebenswandel in der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde, 1959, 12pp, $1.
Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute, The Year of Jubilee : Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute 1945-1995, 1995, 192pp, $8.
Mennonite Brethren Missions/Services, Workers Directory 1976, 1976, 83pp, $1.
Mennonite Brethren of NA, Gesangbuch der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde, 1955, 0pp, $3.
Mennonite Brethren of NA, Church Hymnal, 1953, 556pp, $3.
Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, Sänger Bote: Ein Liederbuch für Kirche und Haus, n.d., 164pp, $3.
Mennonite Brethren Publishing House (Pub.), Konferenzbeschlüsse nebst Konstitution der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde von Nord Amerika: 1883-1919, 1920, 520pp, $3.
Mennonite Invalid Home, Steinbach Invalid Home, yearbook, 1958, 40pp, $2.
Mennonite Mirror, Embracing the World, 1990, 112pp, $1.
Mennonite World Conference, Information Handbook and Tour Guide, Assembly 12, 1990, 35pp, $1.
Mennonite World Conference, The Witness of the Holy Spirit, 1967, 28pp, $1.
Meyers, Robert R., The Spirit of the Post Road, 1955, 151pp, $5.
Mihm, A.P., Herman von Berge, and G.H. Schneck, Ausgewählte Lieder des Evangeliums: Selected Gospel Songs, 1927, 112pp, $3.
Miller, Levi, The Family in Today’s Society, 1972, 110pp, $4.
Miller, Paul M., Pastoral Care of Demonized Persons, 1976, 24pp, $1.
Moore, Don, and Lorna Dueck, In Search of Hidden Heroes : evidence that God is at work, 1995, 210pp, $4.
Nafziger, Elfrieda Toews, “A man of his Word”: A biography of John A. Toews, 1992, 183pp, $4.
Neff, Christian, Mennonitische Welt-Hilfs-Konferenz, 1930, 192pp, $2.
Nelson, Dawn Ruth, A Mennonite Woman: Exploring Spiritual Life and Identity, 2010, 183pp, $5.
Neufeld, Arnie, Praire Roots and Branches, 1995, 160pp, $4.
Neufeld, Dietrich, A Russian Dance of Death: Revolution and Civil War in the Ukraine, 1977, 142pp, $7.
Neufeld, Frank J., Winnipeg Mennonite Children’s choir, 2002, 103pp, $2.
Neufeld, G.G., Die Geschichte der Whitewater Mennoniten Gemeinde in Manitoba, Canada 1925-1965, 1967, 242pp, $5.
Neufeld, J.A., Wir brauchen Menschen… : Ein Vater an seinem grossen Sohn, nd, 35pp, $2.
Neufeld, J.A., Meinem Sohne ein Wegweiser auf seinem Jugendpfade, 1958?, 42pp, $1.
Neufeld, J.J., Efeesa; I Tesaloonicha; II Tesaloonicha, 1984, 16pp, $3.
Neufeld, J.J., I, II, & III Jehaunes, , 12pp, $1.
Neufeld, J.W., Natur und Bibel, 19??, 40pp, $2.
Neufeld, Jacob A., Path of Thorns: Soviet Mennonite Life Under Communist and Natzi Rule, 2014, 444pp, $7.
Neufeld, Peter, Personal Diary of Peter Neufeld, 1917-1918, based almost completely on the Mennonite Settlement at Vanderhoof, BC, 1980, 104pp, $5.
Neufeld, Vernon H., ed., If We Can Love: The Mennonite Mental Health Story, 1983, 340pp, $7.
Neufeld, William, From Faith To Faith, 1989, 243pp, $3.
Neufeldt, Leonard, ed., Before We Were Land’s: Yarrow, British Columbia: Mennonite Promise, 2002, 285pp, $8.
Neufeldt, Leonard, ed., Village of Unsettled Yearnings: Yarrow, British Columbia: Mennonite Promise, 2002, 371pp, $8.
Newbern, Wm. C., ed., Evangel Hymnal, nd, 0pp, $2.
Nikkel, Mary, Conquest for Christ: A study in MB missions, 1961, 239pp, $3.
North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church, 1974, 61pp, $2.
Ontario Conference of M. B. Churches, He Leadeth . . .: History of the M. B. Churches of Ontario, 1957, 107pp, $1.
Oyer, John S., They Harry the Good People Out of the Land, 2000, 331pp, $10.
Pannabecker, Samuel Floyd, Open Doors: A History of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1975, 462pp, $10.
Parliament Community Church, 50th Anniversary Book, 1942-1992, 1992, 52pp, $3.
Pätkau, D., Liederalbum für gemischte Chöre 2. Folge, 1946, 92pp, $4.
Pauls, Peter Jr., Mennoniten in Brasilien, 1980, 270pp, $8.
Pederson, Les, Quien es mi Projimo? Wer ist mein Naechster?, 1986, 79pp, $2.
Penner, Erwin, The Power of God in a Broken World, 1990, 196pp, $2.
Penner, Harold, Arnaud Mennonite Church, 1994, 112pp, $8.
Penner, Horst, Weltweite Bruderschaft, 1955, 224pp, $20.
Penner, Katy, Diamonds in the Sand, 2001, 260pp, $8.
Penner, Peter, Russians, North Americans, and Telugus, 1997, 413pp, $8.
Penner, Peter, Reaching the Otherwise Unreached: An Historical Account of the West Coast Children’s Mission of B.C., 1960, 125pp, $3.
Penner, Peter, No Longer At Arms Length: Mennonite Brethren Church Planting in Canada, 1987, 178pp, $4.
Peters, C.C., Vor den Toren Moskaus, 1960, 148pp, $6.
Peters, Dorothy with Christine Kampen, Daughters in the House of Jacob: A Memoir of Migration, 2016, 275pp, $5.
Peters, Frank C., Resolutions and Recommendations of the Canadian Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1961-1975, 1976, 125pp, $2.
Peters, G. H., “Blumen am Wegrand” : Gedichte, 1946, 265pp, $5.
Peters, G. W., Foundations of Mennonite Brethren Missions, 1984, 262pp, $3.
Peters, G. W., The Growth of Foreign Missions in the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1947, 327pp, $3.
Peters, G.W., The Call of God and the Foreign Missionary, nd, 30pp, $1.
Peters, Jake, Approaching the Glory, 2000, 161pp, $2.
Peters, Katie, Abraham Riediger (1782-1978), 1978, 206pp, $8.
Peters, P.J., This Land of Ours and other poems, 1972, 144pp, $2.
Peters, P.J., Reflections: in Poetry and Pictures, 1984, 157pp, $2.
Peters, P.J., Driftwood and Other Poems, 1978, 155pp, $2.
Peters, Sarah, Walk With Me South of the Equator, 2005, 244pp, $3.
Plett, C.F., The story of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church, 1985, 338pp, $10.
Plett, Delbert F., Johann Plett: A Mennonite Family Saga, 2003, 857pp, $15.
Plett, Delbert F., Storm and Triumph, 1986, 337pp, $10.
Plett, Delbert F., Saints and Sinners, 1999, 352pp, $6.
Plett, Delbert F., The Golden Years, 1985, 355pp, $10.
Plett, Delbert F., Dynasties of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Imperial Russia and North America, 2000, 766pp, $15.
Plett, Delbert F., Plett Picture Book, 1981, 161pp, $15.
Plett, Delbert F., ed., Leaders of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia, 1812 to 1874, 1993, 932pp, $15.
Plett, Harvey, Seeking To Be Faithful, 1996, 188pp, $4.
Poettcker, Henry, and Rudy Regehr, Call to Faithfulness: Essays in Canadian Mennonite Studies, 1972, 222pp, $3.
Popkes, Enno, Neues Taschenliederbuch, 1951, 238pp, $2.
Portage Ave. M.B. Church, Golden Anniversary of the Portage Ave. MB church, 1986, 65pp, $5.
Priebe, Wesley J., and Don Ratzlaff, To a Higher Plane of Vision, 1983, 48pp, $2.
Pries, G.D., A Place Called Peniel: Winkler Bible Institute, 1925-1975, 1975, 262pp, $3.
Priess, Anita, Verbannung nach Siberien, 1972, 178pp, $8.
Protheroe, Daniel, and J.N. Rodeheaver, comp., Quartets for Men, 1946, 191pp, $2.
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Ratzlaff, Erich, D.B. Wiens: Ein Leben für den Herrn, 1982, 171pp, $4.
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Redekop, John H., A People Apart: Ethnicity and the Mennonite Brethren, 1987, 198pp, $4.
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Redekopp, Alfred, Jacob Thielmann and Helena Kroeker : a family history and genealogy of their descendants, 1987, 315pp, $9.
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Redekopp, Henry W., and Susan Hiebert, A Place of Kindness, 1990, 78pp, $3.
Regehr, Ernie, Making a Killing, 1975, 135pp, $3.
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Reimer, Dalton, In Newness of Life: A chronicle of the beginning of the Anabaptist Mennonite Church (reader’s theatre manuscript), 1972, 33pp, $3.
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Reimer, Henry E., Being Born Again by the Word of God, 1970, 56pp, $1.
Reimer, J.W., Der Wundervolle Ratschluß Gottes mit der Menschheit, kurz dargestellt nach der Heiligen Schrift, nd, 64pp, $2.
Reimer, Johannes, Bis an die Enden Sibiriens: Aus dem leben und Wirken des Ostjaken Missionars, Johann Peters, 1998, 155pp, $3.
Reimer, Johannes, Kein Anderes Fundament, 1996, 270pp, $5.
Reimer, Johannes, Seine letzten Worte waren ein Lied, 1997, 115pp, $3.
Reimer, Johannes, Liberty in Confinement: A Story of faith in the Red Army, 2000, 161pp, $3.
Reimer, Johannes, Der Verweigerer, 1991, 173pp, $2.
Reimer, Mavis, Cornelius W. Wiebe: A Beloved Physician, 1983, 133pp, $3.
Rempel, David D., Osterwick, 1812-1943, 1973, 224pp, $9.
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Rempel, John D., and Paul Tiessen, Forever Summer, Forever Sunday: Peter Gerhard Rempel’s Photographs of Mennonites in Russia, 1890-1917, 1981, 141pp, $30.
Rempel, Martha, Milestones and Memories : Bergthaler Mennonite church of Morden, 1981, 192pp, $10.
Rempel, Peter A., Bilder aus der Kirchen und Mennonitengeschichte, 1934, 41pp, $4.
River East Mennonite Brethren Church, River East Mennonite Brethren Church Family, 1983, 43pp, $2.
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Roth, Willard E., Is there a middle road?, 1964, 15pp, $1.
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Sangster, W.E., Sangster’s Special-Day Sermons, 1960, 160pp, $2.
Sankey, Ira D., Sacred Songs & Solos and New Hymns & Solos, nd, 0pp, $3.
Sawatsky, Walter, Soviet Evangelicals Since World War II, 1981, 528pp, $7.
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Sawatzky, P.J., Das Seltene Buch, 1984, 343pp, $5.
Sawatzky, Valentin, Abendlicht, 1977, 130pp, $2.
Sawatzky, Valentin, Friedenskäange, 1971, 94pp, $2.
Schaefer, Paul J., Woher? Wohin? Mennoniten! 2.Teil: Die Mennoniten in Rußland und den Vereinigten Staaten, 1942, 84pp, $3.
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Schaeffer, Paul J., Heinrich H. Ewert: Lehrer, Erzieher und Prediger der Mennoniten, 1945, 161pp, $3.
Schapansky, Henry, The Old Colony (Chortitza) of Russia: Early History and First Settlers in the Context of the Mennonite Migrations, 2001, 519pp, $6.
Schmidt, Allen & Louise, Family Register of Peter & Maria Nickel, 1854-1985, 1985, 334pp, $10.
Schmidt, Henry J., Witnesses of a Third Way, 1986, 146pp, $4.
Schmidt, Henry J., ed., Conversion: Doorway to Discipleship, 1980, 135pp, $2.
Schmidt, J.M., The Lord’s Donkey, 2001, 179pp, $5.
Schmidt, Orlando, Sing and Rejoice, 1979, 148pp, $3.
Schroeder, Anna, Year of Decision, 1962, 214pp, $2.
Schroeder, David, Invited to Faith, 1973, 159pp, $1.
Schroeder, Friedrich, I Remembr: Memoirs of Friedrich Schroeder (Translated by Elli Driediger), 1988, 50pp, $2.
Schroth, Gwendoline Hiebert, Curry, Corduroy and the Call, 2011, 183pp, $4.
Scott, Stephen, Plain Buggies, 1981, 96pp, $2.
Senn, Fritz, Das Dorf im Abendgrauen: Gedichte, 1974, 97pp, $8.
Shaw, S. B., Rührende Begebenheiten und Werkwürdige Gebetshörungen, 1897, 128pp, $2.
Shenk, David W., God’s Call to Mission, 1994, 229pp, $3.
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Shenk, Wilbert R., An Experiment in Interagency Coordination, 1986, 56pp, $2.
Sider, Ronald J., Christ and Violence, 1979, 108pp, $5.
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Simons, Menno, The Complete Writings of Menno Simons, 1956, 1092pp, $20.
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Solomon, Etala David, Change and Continuity, 2012, 225pp, $3.
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Stahl, Daniel, Nazi-Jagd: Sudamerikas Diktaturen und die Ahndung von NS-Verbrechen, 2013, 430pp, $30.
Stambrook, Fred, A Sharing of Diversities: Proceedings of the Jewish-Mennonite-Ukrainian Conference, 1999, 264pp, $3.
Stoesz, Cheryl, The Struggle of Love, 1983, 110pp, $3.
Suderman, Robert, God’s People Now: Face to Face with Mennonite Church Canada, 2007, 127pp, $3.
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Swartz, H., ed., Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Publication of Mennonite Brethren Bible College: 1944-1969, 1969, 62pp, $2.
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Teigrob, David, What Mean These Stones?, 1979, 90pp, $10.
Thiessen, Anna, The City Mission in Winnipeg, 1991, 124pp, $2.
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Thiessen, Brad, ed., Out of Strange Silence, 2005, 219pp, $4.
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Thiessen, Dick, Beyond Those Mountains, 1985, 148pp, $5.
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Toews, John B., With Courage to Spare: The Life of B. B. Janz (1877-1964), 1978, 185pp, $5.
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Toews, Miriam, A Complicated Kindness: A Novel, 2004, 246pp, $4.
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Unruh, Benjamin H., Leitfaden für den Religionsunterricht I Teil: Altes Testament, 1913, 144pp, $6.
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Urry, James, Mennonites, Politics, and Peoplehood, 2006, 400pp, $12.
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Vins, Georgi P., Wie Schafe unter Wölfen: Erfahrungen eines Christen in Sowjetischen Straflagern, 1987, 117pp, $5.
Visser, Piet, Spuren von Menno, 1996, 168pp, $15.
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Vogt, Esther Loewen, Edge of Dawn, 1990, 198pp, $2.
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Voth, J.H., Fuenfundzwanzig Jahre am “Berg der Goetter”, nd, 24pp, $1.
Wall, Cornelius, Principles We Lived By, 1975, 38pp, $2.
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Warkentin, Abe, Gäste und Fremdlinge: Hebräer 11:13 = Strangers and pilgrims : Hebrews 11:13, 1987, 361pp, $20.
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Wedel, C.H., Meditationen zu den Fragen und Antworten unseres Katechismus, 1910, 322pp, $5.
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Wenger, J.C., Separated unto God: A Plea for Christian Simplicity of Life and for a Scriptural Non-conformity to the World, 1951, 350pp, $5.
Wenger, J.C., The Way to a New Life, 1977, 70pp, $1.
Werner, Hans, The Constructed Mennonite: History, Memory, and the Second World War, 2013, 205pp, $8.
Wiebe, Ben, Messianic Ethics: Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the Church in Response, 1992, 224pp, $2.
Wiebe, David, and Paul Wiebe, Colors of the Mennonites in Andhra Pradesh, 2013, 164pp, $10.
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Wiebe, Katie F., Alone: A Widow’s Search for Joy, 1976, 303pp, $6.
Wiebe, Katie Funk, Good Times with Old Times, 1979, 175pp, $4.
Wiebe, Katie Funk, Bridging the Generations, 2001, 235pp, $5.
Wiebe, Katie Funk, You Never Gave Me a Name, 2009, 279pp, $4.
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Wiebe, Katie Funk, Second Thoughts, 1981, 201pp, $4.
Wiebe, Katie Funk, Day of Disaster: The story of Mennonite Disaster Service, 1976, 206pp, $3.
Wiebe, Paul, Heirs and Joint Heirs, 2010, 408pp, $4.
Wiebe, Paul, and David Wiebe, In Another Day of the Lord: The Mission Days of the MB Church of India in Pictures, 2010, 154pp, $5.
Wiebe, Philip, It Takes Two to Tangle, 1999, 147pp, $3.
Wiebe, Rudy, Of This Earth: A Mennonite Boyhood In the Boreal Forest, 2006, 391pp, $5.
Wiebe, Viola Bergthold, Sepia Prints: a Scrapbook, 1990, 173pp, $3.
Wiens J.B., Taunty Wellmschy, nd, 75pp, $2.
Wiens, A.K., and Gertrude Wiens, Shadowed by the Great Wall, 1979, 120pp, $4.
Wiens, Delbert, New Wineskins for Old Wine: A Study of the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1965, 28pp, $1.
Wiens, F.J., Pionierarbeit unter den Hakkas in Süd-China, 1922, 302pp, $3.
Wiens, Hans J., Dass die Heiden Miterben seien, 1987, 238pp, $3.
Wiens, Henry J., The Mennonite Brethren Churches of North America: An Illustrated Survey, 1954, 192pp, $5.
Wiens, J.G., Die Gottesdienstlichen Einrichtungen in Israel, 1945, 30pp, $1.
Wiens, J.G., Homiletik, 1939, 96pp, $2.
Wiens, Johann, Eine Hilfe in den großen Nöten, 1925, 79pp, $1.
Wiens, Peter, Mennonites in Paraguay : pamphlet for the meetings of the General Council of the Mennonite World Conference in Filadelfia, 1987, 13pp, $1.
Wiens, Peter, Centro de Salud Mennonita Km 81, 1976, 50pp, $3.
Wiens, Peter, 50 Jahre Kolonie Fernheim, 1980, 318pp, $7.
Wiens, Peter B., Wenn der Farmer Schriftleiter wird…, 1977, 310pp, $3.
Wiens, Peter, and Peter Klassen, Jubilämsschrift zum 25 jährigen Bestehen der Kolonie Fernheim, 1956, 72pp, $4.
Willms, John, and John Van Bergen, Mennonite Brethren Church: 1929-1979 (Gem, Alberta), 1979, 110pp, $4.
Winkler Bible Institute, The Morning Star (Yearbook); [various years, contact CMBS], , 75pp, $3.
Winkler Bible Institute, Gottes Gnade in Pniel, 1939-1940, 1940, 20pp, $3.
Winkler Home Coming Committee (Pub.), Winkler: A Proud Heritage, 1982, 270pp, $20.
Winkler MB Church, Mennonite Brethren Church: Winkler, Manitoba, 1888-1963, 1963, 44pp, $5.
Wohlgemut, Ben A., Youth in Short-Term Missions, 1979, 43pp, $1.
Wohlgemuth, Paul W., Worship hymnal concordance, 1983, 60pp, $3.
Wolf, Heiner, Unser Fröhlicher Gesell, nd, 0pp, $2.
Wölk, Heinrich, and Gerhard Wölk, Die Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde Rußland: 1925-1980, 1981, 229pp, $6.
Wölk, Heinrich, and Gerhard Wölk, A Wilderness Journey: Glimpses of the Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia, 1925-1980, 1982, 169pp, $6.
Wright, G. Ernest, God Who Acts, 1966, 132pp, $3.
Yoder, Edward, Must Christians Fight: A Scriptual Enquiry, 1944, 68pp, $2.
Yoder, Edward, Müssen Christen Kriegen: Eine Forschung auf Grund Heiliger Schrift, 1944, 68pp, $2.
Yoder, John Howard, The Christian and Capital Punishment, 1961, 24pp, $2.
Yoder, John Howard, What Would You Do?, 1983, 115pp, $5.
Yoder, Juan H., Hacia donde va la Historia?, nd, 19pp, $1.
Yoder, Sanford Calvin, For Conscience Sake: A Study of Mennonite Migrations Resulting from the World War, 1940, 300pp, $8.
Zacharias, Peter D., Footprints of a Pilgrim People, 1984, 291pp, $10.
Zeman, Jarold K., and Walter Klaassen, The Believers’ Church in Canada: Addresses and Papers from the Study Conference in Winnipeg, 1979, 410pp, $2.
Zimmermann, C.F., ed., Silberklänge: Sammlung von Liedern, nd, 232pp, $3.